“The Dangers of the Popular Keto Diet: Study Reveals Potential Cardiovascular Damage and Health Harms Over 10 Years of Use, Caution Advised When Choosing a Diet for Healthy Weight Loss”

by time news

2023-04-16 05:01:00

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Von: Johannes Nuss

In order to lose a few pounds, many people go on a diet. However, a popular diet should be used with caution because it could be harmful to the body.

Kassel – Often after Christmas, but also often after Easter and many people know it: after celebrations and celebrations with loved ones, the needle on the scales drops with unusual intensity. T-shirts are no longer so loose and the belt is already aiming for the next but one hole. In these moments, quite a few people are looking for a suitable diet. There are many of them. But caution should be exercised with a popular diet, because it can cause enormous damage to the body.

Cardiovascular damage can occur during the course of a keto diet. (Iconic image) © Anna Bogush/Imago

Lose Weight Healthy: The keto diet can be extremely damaging to the body

Specifically, this case is about the popular keto diet, also known as the ketogenic diet. This diet is said to be effective, help enormously with weight loss and, conveniently, also lower blood sugar levels. All of this makes the keto diet one of the most popular diets, but it also has its downsides, as Focus Online reports.

As it says there, the keto diet, which is based on a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet, has the potential to damage the cardiovascular system. The report warns that other diseases such as clogged arteries, heart attacks or strokes could also occur.

Keto Diet May Cause Health Harms: US Study Examines Subjects Over 10 Years Old

The whole thing came about after a study in the USA in which the keto diet was examined. According to the Focus Online report, 305 people who were all on the ketogenic diet were compared with 1,200 people who were on a standard mixed diet over a ten-year period.

What is the keto diet?

The therapeutic application of the ketogenic diet finds its use in medicine. Here, the intake of carbohydrates is so severely limited that the organism relies primarily or even exclusively on fat and ketone bodies to cover its energy needs. These ketone bodies act as substitutes for glucose.

The ketogenic diet is a protein and energy-balanced diet in which the carbohydrate content is limited and the starvation metabolism is partially imitated. As a therapeutic method, the ketogenic diet is mainly used in children with drug-resistant epilepsy, glucose transporter disorder (such as GLUT1-deficiency syndrome) and pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency. This requires an individual calculation and medical supervision. Source: Wikipedia

The result of the study is alarming. It is said that the keto diet increases the level of LDL cholesterol. Elevated LDL levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is why LDL stands for “bad” cholesterol. In concrete terms, however, it is also about so-called “cardiovascular diseases” such as the already mentioned clogged arteries, heart attacks or even strokes. For this reason, it is also recommended that the keto diet be completed under medical supervision if possible.

But there are other suitable diets that can make losing weight easy. For example with the Diet that uses carbohydrates to reduce belly fat becomes.

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