Covid-19, New York City will fully reopen on July 1

by time news

New York starts again, finally, trying to break free from the ghost of the Covid-19 and fully recovering the total of its activities and offices and throws the first big one promotion campaign to attract tourists in the summer. This was announced by the democratic mayor of the city Bill de Blasio arguing that the decision was made given the high number of vaccinations made.

“We are ready to open shops, businesses, offices, theaters. We have seen the high number of people vaccinated. It will be the summer of New York City,” said the mayor with pride after more than a year of heavy economic restrictions.

In the spring of 2020 the Big Apple it had become the epicenter of the pandemic for the whole of the United States. The images of the air-conditioned truck with dead people stacked inside and the countless burials on Devil’s Island are still in the eyes of all Americans and beyond.

July 1 would then be a particular date which traditionally coincides with the the city’s most famous mass marches, such as the LGTB Pride March o la Puerto Rico Parade. In disagreement with the mayor for some time, it is instead the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo, subjected to investigations for alleged sexual violence. The Democratic governor was very indecisive in making predictions, calling the mayor’s announcement irresponsible and decided that the opening could happen even earlier.

“July? It’s May and June, what happens in May, what happens in June? I would like the desired reopening to be before that date, I don’t want to wait that long. I think if we do things carefully we can reopen earlier,” he said Cuomo, but without anticipating the dates.

Indeed, the vaccination campaign was truly extraordinary with 6.2 million doses of vaccine distributed and used on 36% of the population. In the last week, infections, hospitalizations and deaths have been reduced considerably.

“I think people will come to New York City en masse because they want to come back to life,” added the mayor who has announced the largest tourism promotion campaign in the history of the city to attract visitors in the summer. De Blasio did not give details on this “complete” reopening, but promised that it will allow restaurants, bars, shops, small businesses, gyms, stadiums, concert halls, museums and theaters to reopen to 100% capacity.

For his part, the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo, has set for the beginning of May the lifting of the curfew in restaurants, both indoors and on the terraces, and it will also be allowed to sit at tables in bars. New York is heating up its engines.

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