Germany, overwhelmed 88 passers-by in the carnival procession with the car: 31-year-old sentenced to life imprisonment. The mystery of the reasons remains

by time news

The Court of Kassel sentenced tolife sentence with acknowledgment of gross negligence, the thirty-one-year-old responsible for having thrown himself with his own car on the crowd that attended a carnival procession a Volkmarsen, in Assia, in Germany, February 24, 2020. He was convicted of 88 cases of attempted murder with serious injuries and a single case of attempted murder, as well as for the minor charge of obstruction to traffic; two other cases of attempted murder and injury had been canceled in November. The assignment of the security measure binds the term release from prison only after another hearing with one new psychiatric report that together with the prison behavior concludes for a favorable prognosis of resocialization; otherwise allowing to continue the detention beyond the limit of life imprisonment, which normally lasts 15 years. The Court has fully accepted the requests of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Frankfurt and of the civil parties, while the defense had not made any specific request but asked for a non-burdensome penalty in consideration of the contestation of the murder attempt only.

For the judge Maurice prahler, a German of Gaggenau at the time of the events twenty-nine, after having circumvented the protections he intentionally threw the car in the crowd for 42 meters without arresting it. At least they counted 88 injured, including 26 children, partly serious, mowed in the mad dash of the vehicle. A year ago the governor Volker Bouffier (CDU) participating in an ecumenical religious commemoration recalled how it was “miraculous“That there were also no deaths. Many were traumatized for a long time even among those who assisted the wounded. In the process, they were enforced more than 180 witnesses.

Throughout the Prahler trial he was strenuously silent e the reason has not been clarified of his gesture. For the psychiatrist who drew up the judicial report she would suffer from a serious personality disorder with narcissistic, schizophrenic and paranoid components, but she is capable of understanding and willing and there are no reasons for a hospitalization in a psychiatric ward.

At the time of the attack Prahler was not found to be altered by alcohol, although some people who knew him later told the media that it was customary to buy vodka. To the police, according to the agency Dpa, however, would have already been known for cases of insults, trespassing and induction into coercion.

Immediately after the attack, a second person was also initially stopped who had taken the car as it went on believing that it could be an accomplice, but it was soon established that Prahler had acted alone.

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