From tomorrow to the 19th, the Taichung City Party Headquarters of the Chinese Kuomintang will handle the registration of nomination forms for the second echelon of the legislative election. Former legislator Shen Zhihui announced today that she will go to collect a form to register tomorrow. In the past four years, she has seen the government’s ineffectiveness in power and hopes to serve the people again.

The Taichung City Party Headquarters of the Kuomintang is expected to handle the second echelon of legislative elections from tomorrow to the 19th, including the 4th constituency (Xitun District, Nantun District), the 5th Constituency District (Beitun District, North District), and the 6th Constituency District ( Central District, Western District, Eastern District, Southern District) for form collection and registration operations.

Shen Zhihui issued a declaration of candidacy this afternoon, and she will go to the Taichung City Party Headquarters of the Kuomintang to register at 10:00 tomorrow morning. The statement mentioned that due to the DPP government’s abuse of special budgets, large amounts of money and debts to keep children and grandchildren, the Ministry of Administration will counter-question in Congress, abuse social security laws to suppress freedom of speech, and egg prices have skyrocketed. must change.

Shen Zhihui pointed out that supporters are constantly persuading her, hoping that she will run for the legislator again on behalf of the Kuomintang with her rich experience in the past as a legislator. In the domestic primary election, we will work hard for the future of Taiwan.

Yan Wenzheng, chairman of the Taichung City Party Department of the Kuomintang, pointed out in a telegram interview with a reporter from Central News Agency that according to the registration results and the follow-up related operational requirements, if more than one person is registered in each district, the registrants will be asked to coordinate first, and if the coordination fails, they will be nominated by the Party Department The working group decides on the method of generating primary candidates and proceeds in accordance with procedures.