Covid, cardiologist recovered: “4 months later still out of breath, rehabilitation helps me”

by time news

“Four months after the recovery from Covid, as soon as I walked a little faster I immediately felt a sensation of dyspnea, an annoying shortness of breath, I did some tests and I decided to undertake the respiratory rehabilitation course”. This was reported by Maria Antonietta Bressan, cardiologist and former director of the emergency room at Irccs San Matteo in Pavia, a veteran of Covid and now engaged in motor and respiratory rehabilitation at the ICS Maugeri in Pavia. “It is necessary to solve respiratory problems and to regain muscle strength after the illness. I am in the fourth session and I feel much better already”, he testifies.

“In 6 of the 17 Maugeri Ics facilities, 5,810 Covid patients were treated and of these at least 30% required respiratory and neuromotor rehabilitation”, explain Maugeri.

“Diseases come when you least expect them – underlines Bressan – when you say ‘they don’t come to me’, because instead they are easily taken: being a doctor, I thought about all the complications I might have had and it was therefore an opportunity to rethink my life “.

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