“In politics, you have to have courage and consistency” By GFLM

by time news

2023-04-14 21:57:01

“In politics, you have to have courage and consistency” By Geoffroy Foumboula

14 avril 2023

Geoffroy Foumboula Libeka Makosso makes a speech parody here. “In politics, you have to have courage and consistency”.

Dear Gabonese men and women,

I read everywhere that you are tired of the CEO, that the CEO must leave power, etc… “But in politics, you have to have courage and consistency“. Elections are about courage and consistency. Regarding these two aspects:

1. You cannot take our 5,000 FCFA + t-shirt + caps + cans at each election, and hope that we will leave: be courageous and consistent in recognizing the corrupt character of your souls. Even God can’t help you drive us out with such behavior. You know how we spiritually work the money we give you, who is crazy to waste his money on elections?

2. You can’t boycott elections, be more than 2/3 of people of non-voting age, you’re on social media all the time whining, etc… and hoping we’ll leave: be brave and consistent to recognize your lack of patriotism;

3. You cannot be supposedly hundreds of thousands of Christians and in the areas where you are established, it is always us CEOs who get elected even with fraud with for example the 500 votes in areas where there are There are thousands of Christians who prefer to be at Church on Sunday when our 500 people who have given our 5,000 FCFA go to vote. We have begun to impose homosexuality on you, soon we will condemn any church that dares to stigmatize or reject a homosexual, this is the law: be courageous and consistent in recognizing that you have more love for yourself that for all your neighbors constituting Gabon;

4. You are thousands of young people, students, pupils. You complain about the mismanagement of the country, you insult CEOs sometimes under false profiles. Apart from encumbering for the scholarship and even when it is given to you, it ends up at the bar, you are incapable of supporting even a student and making him an MP to defend your causes: be courageous and consistent in recognizing your emotional and enjoyable spirit. You think that we will leave with such behaviors;

5. When you are registered, if one of your PDGist parents is a candidate, you immediately forget that he belongs to the party that you criticize every day, you will support him and vote for him: be courageous and consistent to recognize your selfish spirit .

6. In the elections, several billionaires are in opposition, but you always send hungry people as representatives in the electoral commissions, you keep your money warm instead of investing in them, shelter from fear and need your representatives, many of whom are not even trained in securing the electoral process: be courageous and consistent that your avarice is one of the big problems of the alternation and that is why, we who are courageous and consistent had given 50 million to your representatives so that they sign us the PVs giving us the winner with 99.93% in Haut-Ogooué. It was you who cheated, giving us false results against our 50 million.

7. Whenever we organize political meetings, you come first for the per diems and to negotiate positions. It is you who shout for example that the Senate is useless, you even shout that our DCP should not appoint Senators, that it is anti-democratic, but it is still you who are blackmailing the DCP, your adversary that he must also appoint 15 Senators of the opposition: be courageous and consistent, where is the democracy that you defend? With such behavior, you think you can drive us out.

We at the CEO are brave and consistent. The day you do the exact opposite of what has just been said, I will understand that you are starting to become “Courageous and Coherent“, so seriously. For the moment, I only read about you complaints, gossip, etc… It is courage and consistency that make it possible to have power.

Be brave and consistent dear Gabonese and Gabonese

I prefer to stop at these few to demonstrate your lack of courage and your inconsistency.


#politics #courage #consistency #GFLM

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