“Security forces will get their hands on the terrorists”

by time news

Against the background of the tweet “Settler Violence” by the Minister of Internal Security Amar Bar-Lev, tonight (Thursday) he responded to the severe attack that took place this evening (Thursday) near Chumash in Samaria, in which one person was killed and two were injured.

“Severe attack near the Chumash of the evening, Palestinian terrorism raises its ugly head again,” he tweeted, “My condolences to the family and loved ones of the yeshiva member who was murdered and a speedy recovery to the wounded.”

On the right, they attacked Minister Bar-Lev. The Likud said: “We send our deepest condolences to the family of the person killed in the deadly attack tonight on the Pentateuch in Samaria and pray for the peace of the wounded. Instead of inciting against the settlers, this failed government must fight the terrorists.”

MK Shlomo Qarai wrote: “Amar Bar-Lev should resign now and stand trial, before more Jews are harmed and murdered because of his incitement. The deportation law from northern Samaria should be repealed, strengthened and the yeshiva strengthened there and the Chumash should be made a city and a mother in Israel in memory of the 14th murdered man.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir also said: “When Defense Minister Gantz pursues a lax policy and Minister Omar Bar-Lev takes out the bad Israeli slander in the world and shamelessly attacks the settlers, the terrorists smell weak, do not shy away and raise their heads. The lax policies of Bar-Lev, Ganz and a government that relies on the Muslim Brotherhood are leading to terrorist attacks. The words of Omar Bar-Lev led to the attack. Words can kill. “

MK Ben Gvir added: “At this difficult time, he sends greetings of complete recovery to the wounded and condolences to the family of the murdered man.”

MK Ben Gvir: “Slack policy”, Photo: Photo: Jonathan Shaul

MK Bezalel Smutritz said: “It is forbidden, it is simply forbidden to surrender to terrorism. It must not be understood, it must not be sought for explanations, and it must not be confused between good and evil and between enemy and lover as this government has done so far. The answer to the severe attack now in Chumash must be the re-establishment of the settlement and the regulation of the yeshiva that has been operating in the place since the deportation! “And I will tell you in your blood my life.”

PM Bennett: “Security Forces to Put Their Hand on Terrorists”

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responded to the deadly attack and wrote: “Together with all the people of Israel, I send heartfelt condolences to the family of those killed in the deadly attack in Samaria tonight, and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. The security forces will get their hands on the terrorists soon.

PM Bennett: “Security forces will get their hands on the terrorists soon, we will come to terms with them,” Photo: Mark Israel Salem

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz also commented on the attack, writing: Terrorism. “

The Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, also referred to the attack: “Palestinian terrorism once again illustrates to us that the war on Israel has not ended and that the settlers of Judea and Samaria constitute the defensive wall of the State of Israel. We will continue to take root in this land and build it to glory. The security forces will lay their hands on the heinous murderers who have not yet come to terms with a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. “Participates in the grief of the murdered family and wishes complete healing to the wounded.”

Minister Shaked: “The settlers of Judea and Samaria constitute the defensive wall of the State of Israel”, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Justice Minister Gideon Saar wrote: “My heartfelt condolences to the family of the murdered in Samaria tonight and to all Samaria settlers and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded. Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria throughout the years has been a target of Palestinian violence and murder.” And our sisters, the settlers of Samaria. “

Minister Saar: “Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria throughout the years has been a target for Palestinian violence and murder,” Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman tweeted: “Terrorism cannot be tolerated. I share the grief of the family of those killed in the attack in Samaria and wish the wounded a speedy recovery. We will not spare any effort, time and money to thwart terrorism and get our hands on the terrorists. “Coalition and opposition, we will join forces and wage a powerful and uncompromising struggle.”

The chairman of the right-wing faction, MK Nir Orbach, said: “Another proof that real terrorism comes from one side only. .

Culture and Sports Minister Hili Trooper said: “Participates in the grief of the family of the murdered tonight and wishes to send best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded. I trust the security forces who are on the ground in the hope of capturing the killers.”

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