Kepler, the unknown planet –

by time news

noon, December 15, 2021 – 19:46

Between science fiction and dystopia, Vittorio Barbi’s book on Thursday at the Certosa di San Martino

from Vincenza Alfano

Science fiction, dystopia and education in the novel “Kepler. The new world ”(Le Parche Edizioni) by Vittorio Barbi. In 2015, NASA discovers a new planet: Kepler. From this real event, the fantastic plot of the novel develops, the events of which take place over a period of time extended up to 2029. Kepler’s discovery stimulates the appetites of the nations that embark on a new race in space. The huge expenses to be incurred produce an international crisis and the constitution of a terrorist group that threatens world peace. The protagonist and narrator is a young man, whose name or nationality is not revealed, who, having completed his studies, must face his personal challenge with the future, while the planet is devastated by attacks, uprisings and civil unrest. His growth path will therefore be profoundly influenced by the external events of a world on the brink of the abyss. Geographical and astronomical discoveries have always aroused feelings of dismay and amazement. In the history of humanity, every new conquest of man in terrestrial and celestial space, and the consequent collapse of certainties based on previous knowledge, has caused a derailment and the need for a relocation of knowledge and values. Vittorio Barbi’s novel interprets this disorientation of contemporary man through the alternation of tones and feelings that oscillate between despair and hope. 5 pm. Reservation and possession of a Green Pass (including a buffer) required.

December 15, 2021 | 19:46

© Time.News

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