“Scream at employees”: The harsh testimony of the former CEO against Minister Shasha Bitton

by time news

Ayala Hasson presented tonight (Thursday) in News 13, recordings of the director general of the Ministry of Education, Yigal Slovik, after he was fired by Minister Yifat Shasha-Bitton, following disagreements over the management of the corona crisis and the vaccination campaign.

In the opening, Slovic spoke about Minister Shasha-Bitton’s attitude towards the ministry’s employees: “Look, She shouted at the workers, Workers will not say it, they’re scared. They absorb it. They have no choice. She shouts and screams. You do not do what is right, you do not respond here, you do not bring me the data I want. You do not do what I say, “when referring to senior employees, in the rank of VPs, he said.

On the conversion relationship between him and the minister, Slovic said: “There are a lot of things that are summed up that I as CEO did not know. I did not know that she agreed with them directly in front of headquarters as budgets. And I also told her, יפWhen you are not allowed to play with these things, the CEO has powers, Sarah has none. To the best of my knowledge, the “Rashim” issues.

When asked what motivates her work, he replied: “I think what motivates her, maybe there is an agenda here that she thinks she has taken a career on and she is able to move on with it. Beyond her professional positions I told you about, there is also an event here that can be managed Public discourse, and she just won the great sympathy of being the chairwoman of the Corona Committee for this event, yes? “.

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“I once told her, you know, you’re the chairman and I’m the CEO. You set the policy, you do not have to deal with every screw. She trusts no one but herself, no one“.

“Something like two weeks ago she told me to listen, and then I felt he was starting to be here in the build-up. She told me ‘I hear from people that you do not give me backing.’ “Trust and backing. It was not and was not created. We got up, shook hands, she told me ‘I’m glad to hear that because rumors have come to me,'” he added.

Jerusalem Ministry of Education (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

“I told her Yifat, he was not and was not created. Then I brought a new goal leader, I brought someone else. She told me ‘Tell me who.’ “I do not trust her here in the office.” I told her I trusted her. She replied, “Yes, but your chief of staff is exposed to everything.”If you do not trust me, then there is a problem here “, Concluded.

Afterwards, he referred to the vaccination campaign in the schools: “They blocked my e-mail at eight-thirty in the evening. Then during this week Bennett constantly wanted to see what was happening with the vaccines in the education system. Because, how do you start getting vaccinated after returning from Hanukkah?” I asked him to lead the color of the vaccines. “I told him listen, the prime minister, the one who leads the vaccines is the Ministry of Health, not me. That is the position of the minister. Then the prime minister says, ‘The Ministry of Education leads.’ “I replied, ‘There is no penning in the schools, read the document.’

Slovik referred to the process that led to his dismissal: “Then I told her, Yifat, listen, let me have something to finish, and it is also important for me to finish a long period of time here. Now she tried to take it and publish that I asked for it in terms of social conditions. What conditions do I need? I told her, Yifat, I think it’s right for us to have fun. “

“She told me ‘Yigal it will not happen, will not happen. Let’s take out a document that it’s for personal reasons‘. I said I do not spend for personal reasons, absolutely not. Then I told her, you know Yifat, I’m not going to leave here with an incident I was hurt by, I will not sit still, if I am hurt, you are hurt too. She told me ‘you will be hurt’. I told her it could be prevented. “I am unlike you, everything I brought here with me is my name, and all I will return home with is my name,” he added.

Education Minister Yifat Shasha Bitton said in response to an article in News 13: “Recycling of lies and fabrications as part of an organized media campaign by a CEO who was asked to end his job because he did not meet the goals set by the minister for the education system and because of loyalty and trust issues. The minister does not intend to be dragged into the dirty campaign that is being led against her. The Minister wishes Mr. Slovic success in his future endeavors.


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