today 9,148 cases and 144 deaths, 5.8% positivity

by time news – There are 9,148 new positive cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Italy, against 12,965 yesterday. The deaths are 144 (yesterday 226), bringing the total so far to 121,177. The index of positivity it dates back to 5.8% from 3.4% yesterdayi, affects the lowest number of swabs carried out: they were 156,872 against 378,202 yesterday.

The number of people hospitalized with symptoms is decreasing: they are 18,345, yesterday they were 18,381. There are 2,524 hospitalized in intensive care, two more than yesterday; the daily admissions are 109, with a decrease of 34 compared to the admissions registered yesterday. people in home isolation are 410,037, an increase of 398. The currently positive in Italy are 430,906; the total number of discharged healed is now 3,492,679, an increase of 8,637 units.

The region with the highest number of new positive cases is today Campania, with 1.352, followed by Lombardy with +1.287, then Lazio with +986, Emilia Romagna with +950, ​​Puglia with +810, Sicily with + 772, Tuscany with +730, Piedmont with +702.


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