Emmanuel Macron: what to remember from his televised speech

by time news

2023-04-17 20:40:55

Emmanuel Macron is trying to relaunch his second five-year term after the enactment of the pension reform. The Head of State, who addressed the French on the evening of Monday April 17 on television, declared that “the changes provided for” by the law on pensions will come into force in the fall”. the Republic spoke of “necessary changes” while conceding that they constitute an “effort”. “The answer could not be to do nothing”, he added. In addition, Emmanuel Macron says “regret” that a “consensus” could “not be found”. In a speech lasting about twelve minutes, the Head of State described “three major projects”: work, justice and progress live.

Emmanuel Macron called on “all the forces of action and good will, those of our mayors, our elected officials, political forces, our unions, all together. I intend to associate them better by relaunching coalitions and new alliances on the solid foundations of the National Council for Refoundation, as close as possible to the field.” Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will detail her roadmap “from next week”. “It’s our duty and I trust you, I trust us to make it happen,” he concluded. A first assessment will be made on July 14th.

“Neither immobility, nor extremism”

If he believes that no one can remain “deaf” to demands for social justice, “the answer can be neither in immobility nor in extremism”. Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to “build a new pact for life at work”, ensuring that “the door will (it) always be open to the unions”. “This new pact” will be “constructed in the weeks and months to come through social dialogue” between trade unions and employers’ organizations, underlined the Head of State. Negotiations will focus on the need to “improve employee income”, “advance careers”, “better share wealth”, “improve working conditions”, “find solutions to professional wear and tear” or even ” help in the conversion”.

“Our health system will be deeply rebuilt”

On the health side, Emmanuel Macron announced that “our health system will also be deeply rebuilt”. He promised that “by the end of the year, 600,000 chronically ill patients who have no attending physician will have them.” Among the other objectives he has put on the table: unclog the emergency services by the end of next year.

“By December, 600,000 patients with chronic illnesses who do not have a treating doctor will have them,” continued Emmanuel Macron. This project has already been launched since the Minister of Health undertook in January that these patients would be contacted by Medicare “by June” to be offered “concrete solutions”. Experiments are also underway at the departmental level.

Advertisements to fight “against delinquency”

Emmanuel Macron plans “strong announcements from the month of May” against delinquency “and all social or tax fraud. The Head of State confirmed his desire to strengthen “the control of illegal immigration while better integrating those who join our country.” He will propose “main tracks” so that “the functioning of our institutions becomes more efficient”, but also “in citizen participation, as we have just done with the citizens’ convention on the end of life.”

Emmanuel Macron also announced that the executive will continue to “recruit more than 10,000 magistrates and agents”. Finally, the President of the Republic assured that the “Rule of law” was “our base”. “There is no freedom without laws, nor without sanctions against those who transgress the rights of others”, a- he hammered.

“Progress to live better”

The president addressed a “third project”, “progress for better living”. “I want each of you to rediscover the certainty that our children will be able to build a better life. And it is our public services that will have to carry this hope, from early childhood to old age,” he says. Emmanuel Macron also announced his desire to improve the school system “for teachers, who will be better paid and will have more freedom, for students, who will be more supported in French and mathematics for their homework, and will practice more sport. at school: for parents who will see the systematic replacement of absent teachers.”

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