“Unclog emergency rooms by the end of 2024”: doctors “find it hard to believe”

by time news

2023-04-18 00:49:26

Vast project that Emmanuel Macron opened this Monday evening, in the field of health. “By the end of next year, we will have to have relieved all our emergency services”, dropped the head of state in his speech delivered at 8 p.m., without specifying how he intended to do so. take or what he really meant by “unclog”.

Large number of patients to care for, lack of personnel… Many emergency services are regularly saturated, especially in summer or during winter epidemics.

Questioned on the spot, the president of the Association of Emergency Physicians of France, Patrick Pelloux, judges this measure “impossible to hold, unless you go the opposite of what has been done so far”. “That would mean reopening all the beds closed due to lack of staff, reopening beds downstream of the emergency services, and making working conditions more attractive, especially night shifts,” he says. The emergency doctor sees in it “an announcement effect” at a fairly distant deadline, namely in more than a year and a half.

Last summer, “the announced disaster did not occur”

At the end of August, the Minister of Health, François Braun, had estimated that “the announced disaster (in the emergency room) had not occurred thanks to the strong investment of professionals in the field, both hospital and liberal”. In the meantime, the strict cap on the salaries of interim doctors came into force on April 3, forcing certain hospital services to partially close and to find alternatives for the care of the sick.

“I find it very difficult to believe that this will be resolved in a year and a half, given the current problems of emergencies”, reacts for his part Mathias Wargon, head of emergencies at the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis. The doctor has just come out of a meeting devoted to difficulties in certain services, “related to the capping of the interim”. It is difficult to predict what the situation will be next summer, and in particular whether many temporary workers will have ended up accepting the capped rates by then… or finding a fixed position.

In his speech this Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron also recalled his promise that the 600,000 patients living with the ALD (long-term condition) device and who do not have a treating doctor will soon be offered one.

#Unclog #emergency #rooms #doctors #find #hard

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