The person killed in the shooting attack left a widow and a baby

by time news

(Photo: Hillel Meir / Flash 90)

The shooting attack in Samaria. The emergency teams of the Samaria Movement, together with the head of the council, arrived at the house of the murdered man, Yehuda Dimentman, A student from Yeshivat Chumash who lives in Shavei Shomron and informed his wife of the bitter news. The murdered man, about 25 years old, left a young woman and a child.

In the settlement of Shavei Shomron, the residents were informed of the news: “With great sorrow we announce that in the shooting incident that took place this evening at the entrance to the settlement of Chumash, a resident of the settlement was killed.

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Yehuda Dimantman the 14th is the son of Rabbi Moti Dimantman from Mevaseret and the head of the teaching institute at the Ramat Gan Yeshiva and the grandson of Rabbi Moshe Dimantman who was for many years a rabbi in Kerem in Yavne and later the head of a street court and editors of the Talmudic encyclopedia.

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The head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, responded: “The answer to this horrific murder must be the approval of Yeshivat Chumash and the resumption of settlement in the locality immediately.

The commander of the staffing division, Brigadier General Avi Ballut, said in a conversation with reporters that at least 10 bullets were fired at the vehicle. The pursuit of the terrorists is currently underway.

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Evacuation of the wounded (MDA spokeswoman)

Earlier we reported that an Israeli was killed in the murderous attack in Samaria. Terrorists, apparently two, ambushed at the exit from the settlement of Chumash and opened fire on an Israeli vehicle leaving the settlement in the direction of Shavei Shomron. Three Israelis were injured in the shooting. The wounded reached the gate of Shavei Shomron, where the rescue forces joined them.

Next week will mark 4 years since the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach HaYad, who was killed at Havat Gilad in a similar attack.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responded to the attack: “Together with all the people of Israel, I send heartfelt condolences to the family of the person killed in the severe attack that took place tonight in Samaria, and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. Security forces will get their hands on the terrorists soon.

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