José María Lui, Taiwanese ambassador to Spain: “We will not bow to Chinese pressure”

by time news

2023-04-17 18:24:54

After the recent meeting of its president Tsai Ing-wen with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, China has once again responded with military maneuvers. What have been the consequences of such actions and how do they interpret this intimidation in Taiwan?

Indeed, China has used the meeting of President Tsai Ing-wen with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, as a pretext to initiate new military maneuvers to encircle Taiwan from April 8 to 10. This has caused 91 incursions by military aircraft to be recorded in a single day, Monday the 10th, the highest record to date, of which 54 crossed the median dividing line of the Taiwan Strait. On April 8, 71 military aircraft entered the raid, and on the 9th another 70 military aircraft. China’s military maneuvers focus on checking the coordination of combat systems to take control of maritime, air and information over Taiwan. It is clear that China is clearly challenging the international order and undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the entire region. His attitude violates the principles of the United Nations Charter on the peaceful settlement of disputes. The visit of leaders to allied countries, in this case our president Tsai Ing-wen, in diplomatic activities, is a common practice and a fundamental right of every sovereign country, on which China has no right to intervene.

Do you think that the current situation increases the risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait?

The risk of war does exist, but as a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will not aggravate the situation or incite confrontation, but will continue to work with our like-minded partners to prevent authoritarian expansion, uphold the rules-based international order, and guarantee a free and open Indo-Pacific. Our position has always been to not bow to pressure or act rashly when we have support. We are willing to work with China, always under the principles of rationality, equality and mutual respect, to find a solution acceptable to both parties that maintains peace and security in the Taiwan Strait. The use of military force is by no means an option to resolve differences, because we know that in war there are never winners, only losers.

The ambassador of Taiwan, in his office in Madrid. | David Alonso.

How do you assess the US reaction to China’s action?

In response to China’s announcement of military exercises, the US State Department moved immediately to urge China to exercise restraint and not unilaterally change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The United States possesses extensive resources and capabilities in the Indo-Pacific to ensure peace and stability and meet its security commitments in the region. From Taiwan, we thank the United States government for proactively speaking out at this critical time to solemnly demand that China stop coercing the Taiwanese people.

What is your assessment of the statements of support for Taiwan by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, during her visit to China?

During her recent visit to China, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, once again reiterated the position that the European Union has always defended: that “Taiwan’s stability is of vital importance and that any unilateral and force in the current status quo in the Taiwan Strait is unacceptable.” Our government very sincerely appreciates the firm stance of the European Union in this regard, and encourages us to continue working together with the international community and like-minded countries that uphold values ​​such as freedom, democracy and human rights, to maintain peace. and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world.

What do you think that Pedro Sánchez has traveled to China and what conclusions can he draw from this trip?

In the meeting that Xi Jinping and Pedro Sánchez held on March 31 during the visit of the Spanish president to China, both put the issue of Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine on the table. Pedro Sánchez highlighted the need to continue betting on a just and lasting peace, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and that respects the principles of the international order: the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the attacked country, Ukraine, as claimed by the president Zelenski in his Formula for Peace, which Spain supports. In addition, Sánchez has encouraged President Xi to hold a conversation with President Zelenski, since it is up to Ukraine to decide the conditions for accepting a negotiation. In Taiwan, which shares universal values ​​such as freedom, democracy and respect for human rights with Spain and the European Union, we fully agree with such approaches. The ROC (Taiwan), like all peace-loving countries in the world, condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and hopes that this illegal and unjust war will end as soon as possible. I would also like to express my wish that President Sánchez be able to visit Taiwan and see first-hand the reality on the other side of the Taiwan Strait and that this will help him to deepen his knowledge of the Taiwanese people.

The ambassador of Taiwan, in his office in Madrid. | David Alonso.

After the support of the international community in the face of Chinese threats, do you expect greater support this year to participate in organizations such as the WHO?

Despite strong US and EU support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the World Health Organization (WHO), the ongoing call for the World Health Assembly (WHA) to include Taiwan as an observer was not answered last year. This is an anomalous situation that should be unthinkable, because excluding Taiwan from these important discussions on public health and disease prevention is not only detrimental to the rights of Taiwanese citizens, but is also depriving the international community of knowledge and the experience that Taiwan can and wants to contribute, making use of its slogans “Taiwan can help” and “Taiwan is helping”. The terrible covid-19 pandemic showed us that viruses do not know borders or nationalities, that the right to health must be a universal right and that, as the WHO motto says, in terms of health, nobody must stay behind. If Taiwan were to be excluded, the WHO would show total disregard for the right to health of the 23.5 million Taiwanese. As the 76th World Health Assembly will begin in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 21, 2023, we urge the international community to support Taiwan as an observer and to fully incorporate Taiwan into the meetings, mechanisms and activities of WHO, which would not be to the detriment of anyone but to the benefit of all.

Soon he will return to Taiwan after his two stages exercising diplomacy in Spain. What balance do you make of his work in our country?

I have been 9 years in Spain. I really appreciate the friendship of the Spanish people, it will always be in my heart.

During this time he has worked to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, especially on the commercial level. Have the exports of Spanish companies increased?

For me, the commercial exchange between both sides has always been very important. In 2019, this commercial exchange amounted to 1,900 million US dollars and last year it already reached 2,700 million, a very significant increase. I am doing everything possible to help Spanish producers and businessmen to export more. For example, the winemakers from Toro or the olive oil producers from Jaén. Now a very important Spanish television company is going to visit Spain and they are going to Villacarrilo (in Jaén) to meet the cooperative of olive oil producers to film a documentary and introduce the Taiwanese people, so that they know Spain well and the best olive oil in the world. The three Spanish star products in Taiwan are ham, olive oil and wine. For me, Spain is already a part of my life and that is why, although I am going to retire, I will do everything in my power to improve this business relationship. Lastly, I would like to thank my Spanish friends from the media for their support and help in developing my work in Spain.

#José #María #Lui #Taiwanese #ambassador #Spain #bow #Chinese #pressure

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