Rt above 1 in three Regions

by time news

Covid Italy, “Basilicata, Campania and Sicily have a punctual Rt greater than one. Among these, two Regions (Campania and Sicily) have a transmissibility compatible with a type 2 scenario “. This was reported by the draft of the ISS-Ministry of Health monitoring report with data for the week of April 19-25.

“There is an overall improvement in risk, with no high-risk regions. Eleven regions and autonomous provinces have a moderate risk classification: Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Bolzano, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany and Veneto. Ten regions that have a low risk classification: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Molise, Trento, Sardinia, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta “, reads the draft of the report.

The number of Regions and Autonomous Provinces that have an employment rate in Italy falls, but remains high intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold (8 Regions / Pa vs 12 of the previous week). The employment rate in intensive care nationwide is equal to the critical threshold (30%), with a decrease in the number of people admitted to intensive care, which goes from 3,151 on April 20 to 2,748 on April 27. The employment rate in medical areas at the national level – the draft reads – drops further and is below the critical threshold (32%). The number of people hospitalized in these areas went from 23,255 on April 20 to 20,312 on April 27.

In the conclusions, the experts highlight that “the now prevalent circulation in Italy of a viral variant characterized by a considerably greater transmissibility, requires to continue to maintain particular caution and gradualness in the management of the epidemic”.

“The slow decline in new cases and in the number of hospitalized patients is confirmed, but the overall picture is still at a very challenging level” the experts warn. “It is essential – it is recalled – that the population continue to comply with all the recommended measures of individual protection and distancing in all occasions of contact with people outside their own home to reduce the risk of contagion”. Furthermore, “we remind you that it is mandatory to adopt rigorous individual behaviors and respect the sanitary measures in place relating to the spacing and correct use of masks. We reiterate the need to respect the measures recommended by the health authorities, including the quarantine measures for close contacts in ascertained cases. and isolation of the cases themselves “.

In fact, “although the vaccination campaign is progressing significantly, overall, the incidence remains high and still far from levels (50 per 100 thousand inhabitants) that would allow the containment of new cases” highlights the draft of the report.

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