What if a person has no stomach?

by time news

2023-04-18 00:48:35

the very thought of live without stomach it may be impossible for you. But the gastrectomy is a reality; removal of all or part of the stomach. What if a person has no stomach?

In some cases the absence of this organ could be the reason that they are still alive. Maria they removed the stomach preventatively at age 35, after discovering that she was a carrier of the CDH1 genetic mutation.

This mutation represents 80% to 90% of the chances of developing stomach cancer, so gastrectomy is an option. Although before it is carried out, the doubt arisesIs it possible to live without a stomach?

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What is a gastrectomy?

This is surgery, in which the doctor makes an incision in the abdomen with the objective of remove the stomach; if it is only a part, it is known as a partial gastrectomy and it is the entire organ, we can know it as total gastrectomy.

Depending on the place or part that the stomach is removed, there is the possibility that the intestine will be reconnected to the remaining portion or to the esophagus, describes the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

In some parts of the world, this procedure is carried out by means of laparoscopy. Something similar to what is used when the gallbladder is removed; Three perforations are made in the abdomen, one of which the camera is inserted, and through the rest the necessary instrument for the incisions is inserted.

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What happens if a person’s stomach is removed?

Initially, after surgery, the stomachless people or part of it often experience dumping syndrome, as food passes immediately or very quickly into the intestine, reveals the American Cancer Society.

Although evacuations usually take a “normal rhythm” after a while. People who do not have a stomach can experience malnutrition, so it is important that they take nutritional supplements.

In other cases, the patient requires a tube, a tube called a jejunostomy or J-tube, which is usually placed in the small intestine through a small hole in the abdomen.

How does a person who has had their stomach removed eat?

Food is eaten in the conventional way, by which we mean that it starts with small portions that are introduced orally.

On the other hand, it is important that they reduce their water intake during the meal. From then on, their diet is similar to what should be taken as part of daily life: healthy proteins such as egg, meat, fish, yogurt or tofu.

After surgery it is important to avoid spicy or peppery foods. The rest of the time it is necessary for the person to reduce sugary or fatty foods, which can cause a series of discomforts.

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How is the digestive process when you don’t have a stomach?

To be fair, the stomach it’s just one part of the digestive process. In other words, the stomach prepares food and secretes acids, but the first few 4 to 5 meters from the small intestine They are the ones that absorb most of the nutrients.

Eye, the stomach it also acts as a food store. This causes the way these patients eat to change, they have to chew more and in smaller portions.

It was not easy for Maria to make the decision to have her stomach removed was not easy. However, her mother died of stomach cancer at the age of 35 in 1987 and her aunt at the age of 43 in 2013. Having a family of her own, she did not want to leave them because of the same condition, especially if it was preventable.

Cancer is not the only reason why it may lead experts to remove the stomach of a person, other causes are: bleeding, inflammation and polyps.

Now that you know that a person can live without a stomach, what else would you like to know about your stomach? We invite you to watch the next video:

#person #stomach

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