Savings banks in court for interest rate adjustments

by time news

IIn the dispute over interest rate adjustments, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) has once again increased the pressure on East German savings banks. Shortly before a possible statute of limitations for bank customers’ claims against their credit institutions at the end of this year, consumer advocates filed three further model declaratory actions. Specifically, the proceedings before the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court (OLG) against the Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland, the Sparkasse Mansfeld-Südharz and the Kreissparkasse Stendal are faced with a lawsuit before the OLG Naumburg. As reported by the FAZ, the association accuses various savings banks of using clauses in premium savings contracts, some of which are decades old, to adjust the respective interest rate in their favor.

“When it comes to money – Sparkasse. The savings banks do not always implement this slogan in the interests of consumers, ”says Patrick Langer, consultant at VZBV. The three now sued savings banks would have credited them with too little interest for many years. As in the other model declaratory actions, the association is also assuming possible additional payments “in the four-digit range” for savers.

In the case of the Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Leipzig, the Federal Court of Justice ruled in October that the calculation of interest on long-term savings contracts had in the past been in part inadmissible. Despite this ruling by the highest court, there are still many questions unanswered, and some savings banks did not respond to their customers’ demands. This is one of the reasons why the VZBV continues to follow suit.


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