Sources told about the change in the cost of cellular communications in Russia | News | News

by time news

At the beginning of 2022, tariffs for cellular communications in the Russian Federation may increase by 8-10%, two people familiar with the managers of mobile operators told Izvestia. The increase is indeed being considered, although it may not be so noticeable – in the region of 6%, according to a source close to one of them. The issue of increasing tariffs is being discussed, although the final decision has not yet been approved, says a source close to another.

The year 2021 passed without noticeable jumps in prices for cellular communications – partly because cellular companies wanted to give subscribers some respite to prevent a decrease in loyalty and customer churn, said Denis Kuskov, CEO of TelecomDaily. However, operators are forced to raise tariffs to compensate for additional costs and lost revenues, said Sergey Polovnikov, head of the Content-Review project. Companies must constantly invest in the development of networks – if it stops against the background of a constant increase in the volume of Internet traffic, a decrease in the quality of communication and the speed of mobile access is inevitable, he explained.

“FAS currently has no confirmation of the economic feasibility of increasing tariffs for cellular services. When complaints are received or when information about the increase in tariffs is found in the public domain, the service conducts an analysis of the economic feasibility and takes anti-monopoly response measures, “a representative of the department told Izvestia.

Read more in the exclusive material from Izvestia:

“According to traffic: cellular operators are preparing a price increase of 6-10%”

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