The pure lawyers and those of bad arts

by time news

2023-04-18 12:30:25

I.- A society longed for, but not achieved

1.- In the Dominican political and social environment, a great majority of fellow citizens have acted in an attempt to create a less cruel or severe society, but the reality is that the aspirations to humanize the environment where we live have been a tremendous disappointment, because everything is It has remained an attractive hope, but unfounded.

2.- The disappointment has been worse because, in addition to not reaching the desired material and spiritual happiness, we also do not have that authentic person today.

3.- By not achieving a change in the economic and social order, we have not come to have that entity of renewed conduct either. The present of vulgarity has been imposed, given the desire for a future to act exquisite. The strong wind that has brought the decomposition has swept away any way of doing good.

4.- For a human being to act immorally, he must forget about decency; action following the line of shamelessness and arming oneself with dishonesty that is characteristic of the shameless.

5.- The level of degradation that Dominican society has reached is manifested at all levels, beginning with the economic order, up to the ethical and moral rottenness that covers a large part of the classes and social strata.

6.- The decrease in good behavior is present in the poor who cheat to buy food, to the rich man who debases himself by cheating to increase his economic heritage.

II.- The legal profession, like society, was damaged

7.- The dirty behavior that we see daily has no comparison. We have it in homes, schools and universities; at the doctor’s office and at the law firm.

8.- Precisely, that of lawyers and lawyers is one of the professional activities where the absence of modesty is most notoriously present. The modest robed man gave up his space to the immodest

9.- In the course of the only three congresses of lawyers and lawyers, successively held in the country by their associations and the Dominican Association of Lawyers (ADOMA), in the National District, Santiago de los Caballeros and Monseñor Nouel, Bonao, the attendees always raised our voices demanding membership.

10.- Apparently, for some there was no need for a bar association, but for gangs, in which groups of crooks were unified with the objective of harming in exchange for money. Hence, some forgetting about their guild act in actions of roguery.

11.- The rascals who have become lawyers lack a sense of decency, loyalty and professional ethics. They move like true scoundrels and honoring the conduct of scoundrels.

12.- Because they are unaware of what it means to keep due fidelity, the lawyer who does not act with loyalty ignores professional ethics and kicks frankness.

13.- The treacherous person, the one who claims to be a legal professional and approaches someone who has already hired the professional services of another lawyer or lawyer, is the same person who blatantly mixes dirt with tigueraje.

III.- Difficulty of competition between talent and dishonesty

14.- In the circle of women and men of the cap and gown, the competition is not taking place in the order of talent, but in the lack of honesty, imposing the immodest lawyer.

15.- It is difficult for a lawyer who embraces principles of family decency, trained in ethical and moral standards, to have anyone who claims to be a lawyer as a rival, but is nothing more than a rascal.

16.- With all regret it must be said, but the truth is that the profession of lawyers and lawyers has reached such a degree of rottenness that in order to compete they resort to detracting, to the degradation of the virtuous professional, full of nobility and pure goodness.

17.- That young lawyer, who dominates the legal sciences; expert of modern law; A great connoisseur of the intricacies of law in general, and a competent legal expert who has received professorships from great international teachers, and today exercises his profession with elegance and height, he should not be intimidated by the perfidious actions of those who mistakenly call him a colleague.

18.- Neither more nor less, we are witnessing the practice of law in today’s Dominican society, the same one that is socially, ethically and morally cracked

final thoughts

19.- In these moments it is somewhat old-fashioned to raise ethics in the men and women of laws and codes. What is being imposed at present is to use the trip to harm the colleague with bad arts.

20.- The postulates of morality and ethics should be an integral part of the personal convictions of each lawyer; traits of her character, the rules that govern the acts of her life; the essence of the personal, professional, public and private behavior of one of the main actors of the courts.

21.- Corrupt acts, strange maneuvers in the exercise of the profession of lawyers and lawyers, have to be eliminated. The example of the promiscuous professionals cannot be imitated; quite the contrary, in the face of these reprehensible behaviors, carriers of the worst vices of Dominican society, decent lawyers must remain vigilant, raising honesty.

22.- The lawyer or lawyer should not be serious; intermediate serious, medium serious, or incomplete serious. He must be, purely and simply, upright, honest, honest; of impeccable conduct and ethics recognized by his colleagues, magistrates and society in general.

#pure #lawyers #bad #arts

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