Vegan gummies: what are they for?

by time news

2023-04-18 20:05:29

Those who decide to change their diet and choose veganism are people who no longer want or can consume products made with animal derivatives, this includes cravings such as sweets. We tell you about the vegan gummies: what are they for?.

First it is important to understand a little more about the preparation and content of traditional gummies.

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What parts of the pig have the gummies?

One of the main ingredients in gummies is gelatin or gelatin, which, according to the United States National Library of Medicine, is a protein made from animal collagen that usually comes from cows or pigs.

Gelatin or gelatin is made with a compound made from the bones, cartilage and even skin of these animals, and despite how ugly it sounds, many people use or consume this compound to treat diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and issues such as brittle nails and hair loss.

And although the consumption of this compound may have benefits, many people are rejecting the consumption of gelatin for ethical reasons because they argue that it is considered animal abuse. Therefore, they are preferring to consume vegan gummies.

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What are vegan gummies?

Vegan gummies are those that do not have any element of animal origin among their components, that is, they do not contain gelatin or gelatin. To replace the gelatin, what is used is pectin, a natural compound present in the cell wall of some plants and fruits.

As pectin has thickening, stabilizing and gelatinizing properties, it has served as a great alternative to replace gelatin in the manufacture of cosmetics, products and, in this case, sweets such as gummies.

In addition, according to the Mayo Clinic, pectin can be used to thicken the digestive contents of the intestine, that is, improve the consistency of fecal feces in addition to slowing the progress through the intestines to help in conditions such as dumping syndrome. gastric.

Thanks to these properties, pectin is also often used to treat or reduce symptoms of intestinal discomfort such as diarrhea. Therefore, to answer the question of what are vegan gummies forwe could say that they have benefits for intestinal health.

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How to know if the gummies are vegan?

The popularity of vegan gummies has been growing in recent years, so much so that in the market you can already find a variety of gummies that do not contain animal derivatives (gelatin).

To find out if your favorite gummies or the ones you are going to consume are vegan, all you have to do is look at the nutritional and content table, if you find any derivative of collagen, gelatin or gelatin, then the gummies are not vegan, on the other hand if you find within their compounds to pectin and not to those already mentioned, there is a greater chance that those gummies are vegan.

Another indicator is to check that the nutritional table does not mention that it has cholesterol, as this could be a sign that the product was made with products of animal origin, that is, it is not vegan.

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Usually people consult the specific brand in specialized forums for vegan people to check if the gummies in question are indeed vegan or not, another very popular option among those who lead this lifestyle is to prepare the gummies themselves to be completely sure that do not contain any animal products or derivatives.

now that you know what are vegan gummies for, We remind you that before making a radical change in the food you eat, make an appointment with a professional so that they can tell you what process you must follow to make the change in the healthiest way possible. Remember that no change in diet It must be done suddenly, everything takes a process.

If you are interested in preparing your own candies, we leave you a video with a suggested recipe to prepare mango enchiladas gummies, remember that if you want to make them vegan, you should not use gelatin and replace it with pectin.

#Vegan #gummies

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