Uruguay: a corrupt and authoritarian government

by time news

2023-04-17 04:06:33

While world capitalism is showing more and more symptoms of its deep crisis with the rescue of Silicon Valley Bank and its consequences; The masses in France rise up against Macron with the trigger of the pension reform in a fight that has global impact.

It is within this framework that a deep political crisis of the anti-worker government of Lacalle Pou is developing in Uruguay, whose legitimacy hangs by a thread, while the workers suffer their attacks and pay the consequences of a policy at the service of the “golden mesh”.

At the close of this edition, in a reprehensible anti-union and anti-democratic measure, appealing to the rules of the dictatorship, the government removed the director of the IAVA from office for opposing the taking away of the union hall from the students who are in struggle for this reason ; showing again its policy of persecution of students and teachers.

Recession, drought and rising prices

After Lacalle Pou’s triumphalist speech on March 1, the fact that the Uruguayan economy had entered a recession was known. First with the excuse of the war in Ukraine and now with the drought, prices have jumped again.

At the fair, workers and retirees see a kilo of carrots for $100, sweet potatoes for $90, and even more than $100 for a piece of lettuce! The eggs continue to rise and the maple can be found at more than $300… And it gives them the face to talk to us about the “salary recovery”!

The salary pays less and less and unemployment is one of the main concerns in working families. The anger grows while this government of permanent scandal intends to increase the retirement age, commodify education and continue stealing our wages with its policy at the service of big employers.

The government of endless scandal

This government of hunger that goes from crisis to crisis has exploded another bomb when the complaints of sexual exploitation of minors against G. Penadés, one of the main political cadres of the government and of Lacalle Pou’s own political sector, were known.

To top off such embarrassment, in an unpresentable way Minister Heber quickly came out to defend the accused saying that it was a “defamation”. Later, President Lacalle Pou himself said that he “believed him” and even the highest level of INAU, an institution that is supposed to protect children and adolescents, declared that he trusted Penadés. Will it be the same trust they had in Astesiano?

They can’t be more miserable. They have placed all the weight of the system to shield their senator. With this action they do nothing more than promote and protect abusers. As several journalists and communicators have already said, what victim can dare to denounce if even the President of the Republic has come out in support of a person denounced for abuse?

With the Astesiano-Marset case, this government had shown itself to be corrupt, supporting espionage and favoring drug traffickers. Now, in addition, it also covers up a person accused of child abuse while continuing with its policy of union persecution in Education, appealing to the authoritarian norms of the dictatorship. What else is needed to throw out this government right now? His crisis is scandalous, intolerable.

Astesiano – Lacalle Pou

Unfortunately, this government continues because neither the leadership of the PIT-CNT nor that of the Broad Front have questioned it in depth. They don’t want me to fall now.

These leaders, together with the bourgeoisie as a whole, are opening the electoral campaign in advance to use it as an escape valve to discontent, anger and the crisis of the government. They want to channel everything towards 2024. That is why F. Pereira decided to keep a “prudent silence” in the face of the Penadés case and Charles Carrera even had the gesture of going to hug him in parliament. What characterizes these leaders is lukewarmness, not wanting to mobilize or question the legitimacy and continuity of the government.

From IST we propose that this government can no longer continue. From the worker, student, and women’s struggles; struggles that will surely begin to rise in the next period, we must set ourselves the task of building from the factories, high schools, offices, faculties and neighborhoods a leadership that does not think about positions and elections, but about fighting until the ultimate consequences to kick out this government now and tear down its anti-worker reforms.

#Uruguay #corrupt #authoritarian #government

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