Cabello: Asset Forfeiture Law seeks to expedite the disposition of assets

by time news

2023-04-19 04:00:20

This Monday the National Assembly presented the Public consultation of the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture, in charge of the deputy for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, who requested urgency in the observations to speed up the approval of the legal instrument.

During his speech, Cabello pointed out that this law seeks to speed up the process of seizure and disposal by the State of assets seized from crimes such as corruption, drug trafficking, terrorism.

In this sense, he called on all sectors to participate in the Public Consultation and those who have observations make them urgently.

He explained that “those whose funds are investigated enter a trial and it is even useless, for example, in cases such as a drug trafficker, accused of corruption, a plane is confiscated, that plane is not available until the end of the trial Therefore, they generate costs to the State and end up being scrap metal”.

For the national government, the parliamentarian indicated, this project presented to the AN is about “a law that is new to us but that has already been legislated for a long time.”

“The Government has been facing a fight against this scourge, a fight that must be given faithful compliance with the law, but in cases of corruption that money belongs to the people,” he added.

everyone’s task

In this fight against corruption, parliamentarian Diosdado Cabello said that it is “a problem of the State and not of the Government.”

However, he highlighted the performance of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who has been talking about mafias and vices for some time.

“President Maduro has been talking about vices, corruption, bureaucratism, inefficiency for some time, which is why in 2014 an Anti-Corruption Law was approved, from where a fight against these crimes such as influence peddling, drug trafficking has been launched,” he added. Hair.

Corrupt will face the Asset Forfeiture Law

“Whoever commits these crimes should know that they will face the law, both their accomplices and front men,” he stressed.

By approving this legal instrument, Cabello said, the Venezuelan State is empowered so that under a final sentence it can make use of all the assets and resources seized from the corrupt.

“Capacities and the fight against these crimes are strengthened even when the criminal process has not ended,” he added.

For those who cannot verify the legitimacy of the goods and properties under investigation, they can be requested by the Public Ministry which, through the Courts, will exercise custody and disposition of the goods.

Law that will bring justice

Diosdado Cabello affirmed that the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture “is a simple but forceful and current law, nobody says that Human Rights are being violated, because what was stolen is taken away.”

He also stressed that this legal instrument guarantees the people the right to justice. “This fight has no political color, it belongs to all the people of Venezuela and all the powers must be incorporated,” he added.

“This Law is going to help us a lot in obtaining our assets and compensating everything stolen for the benefit of our people,” he said.

The deputy pointed out that the Specialized Service for the Administration and Disposal of Insured or Seized, Confiscated and Confiscated Assets was recently created, which already has a record of 10,000 assets.

There are 10 thousand registered goods

In his speech in the protocol chamber of the National Assembly, Deputy Diosdado Cabello reported that the Specialized Service for the Administration and Disposal of Insured or Seized, Confiscated and Confiscated Assets was recently created, an instance that already has a record of 10,000 assets .

He also stressed that so far there are 189 seized aircraft, “we must dispose of that now, we hope that the observations will be made urgent to get this law out in the shortest possible time.”

Given this, he reiterated that through the Asset Forfeiture Law there will be a legal formula by the State against crimes, “it will strengthen the capacity to fight corruption.”

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