They sang with Macron: who is hiding behind the “Canto” application?

by time news

2023-04-19 15:31:24

It’s a huge communication stunt. “Only the mafia and Project Canto can blackmail a head of state!” boasted on the night of Monday to Tuesday “Project Canto”, supporting video, on his Facebook page. Seen millions of times, this sequence shows Emmanuel Macron singing a traditional Pyrenean song in the middle of a small group of choristers. And “Canto” is the application brandished to the President of the Republic so that he can see the lyrics, a karaoke type application for traditional French songs, the origin of which is very… political.

Its founders are called Charles Dor and Rémi Creissels. According the anti-fascist site La Horde, the first is known in the middle of the extreme right under the name of Lancelot Galey. He then revealed that he had held “responsibilities” from 2008 to 2010 within the nationalist student movement of the Union Defense Group (GUD), classified on the far right.

VIDEO. Emmanuel Macron filmed singing in the streets of Paris

A year ago, with of the site “I love my heritage”, Charles Dor recounted the creation of “Canto”. “One evening, with two friends who love traditional French songs, I realize that I can’t follow them, because I don’t remember anything,” he explains. “Frustrated”, he then came up with the idea of ​​creating a dedicated application. The application quickly raises funds, during the annual “Nuit du bien commun” competition, listed on the right, but also from the National Music Center through a public subsidy of 40,000 euros paid to the Canto association, which door.

Songs that are controversial

The application “lists all the popular songs of France, from children’s rhymes to saucy songs, including regional songs and traditional songs of the evening”, explains Canto in A press release, a few hours after the publication of the video with Emmanuel Macron. Once connected, it is possible to access a large repertoire of these songs and to find the lyrics, to follow while singing in the manner of a karaoke. Canto also aims to build a community and promotes events (and in particular “Apéro Canto”) throughout France.

Can you be on the far right and offer an apolitical service? “I would like to make our application known to people on the left, to open up a little”, explained Charles Dor, to the Figaro, last September. Not obviously, if we look at certain texts present in the repertoire. In the midst of less controversial songs (such as “La grosse bite à Dudule”, “Paillarde party”, or “Le Refuge”, the one sung by Emmanuel Macron), Release noted the presence in the repertoire of several questionable songs, such as “Cara al Sol”, the anthem of the Spanish fascist movement by Primo de Rivera, or “Les Lansquenets”, a popular song among nationalists and fundamentalist Catholics.

If these texts are still present in the application, this is not the case for the “military tunes in vogue under the Third Reich” that Liberation had spotted at the time. “Political singing is part of the history of singing, and it is as such that it is listed. Some are related to the far right, others to the far left,” Canto defended himself at the time.

Still, Canto benefits from this big spotlight. Emmanuel Macron “could not know at that time the background of each person with whom he was discussing”, defended the entourage of the head of state on Tuesday. In their press release (they did not respond to our requests), Canto said he was “very happy that the President of the Republic used our application”. Proof of its success: users have been encountering problems in recent hours accessing certain content or even logging in.

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