How is the battle for the center of Saltillo, República and Guayulera going? district 13

by time news

2023-04-19 17:09:00

16 days after the longest stage of the electoral contest began, such as the electoral campaigns, the five candidates competing for the 13th district, have made tours in which they have identified that the main claims of the citizenry are directed to the health, transportation, inequality, and the parking meters that were installed in the downtown area without the consent of the citizens.

This is one of the most competitive and diverse districts that exist in the electoral cartography, since it includes from the Historical Center of Saltillo, up to large population colonies such as Saltillo 2000, Anahuac and Guayulera.

To date, all the candidates in this district already have a profile available on the IEC’s web platform “Candidates and Candidates, Meet Them”, where they present their academic profiles, their work history, their proposals, as well as their declarations of interests. , patrimonial, fiscal and gender violence.

Albany Castrothe candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano, has reiterated that she will replicate the universal medical coverage that has already been applied in Nuevo León, and particularly, she pointed out that the problem that they have observed with the installation of parking meters in the Historic Center, which can remove up to 600 pesos for a place that was previously free.

In the case of Luis Zavala, the Morena candidate, said that one of the things that have been identified is that priority has been given to serving the privileged sectors of the city. And visiting the strip that converges in Valle Escondido, he highlighted that there are large inequality gaps that are visible, for example in the parks, which must be addressed as part of his proposal.

For his part, Elena Moralesthe candidate of the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance, has also made visits to mobile markets, colonies and the downtown area, where she has requested the confidence to promote the quality of life from the State Congress, and among her proposals, is addiction care.

From the UDC and the Green Party, the professor Daisy Ibarra He has emphasized that society “needs a change”, and asserted that his commitments have been made knowing that they can be fulfilled. Among his proposals are addressing the problems of public transportation in the city, which is limited, as well as promoting free cancer treatments.

And also, the Labor Party candidate, Yolanda Palacios, has made visits to neighborhoods such as La Minita and Chamizal, where he asserted that there will be no “clean slate” for corruption cases, and pointed out that there will be no impunity in any of them. He also assured that health is one of the most reiterated concerns by citizens: “people are sorry,” she asserted.

#battle #center #Saltillo #República #Guayulera #district

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