How can your stress level affect cholesterol?

by time news

2023-04-19 19:13:53

There are times of the year, such as Christmas or holidays, in which copious meals are absolute protagonists. That is why it is always advisable to take care of our diet. Believe it or not, cholesterol can also be influenced by stress and we are going to tell you how.

Cholesterol is a necessary substance for life and is responsible for producing hormones, vitamins and building healthy cells in our body. The harmful one is the so-called LPD, which can accumulate on the walls of the arteries, causing serious health problems. So if you don’t follow healthy lifestyle habits, you may be susceptible to developing high cholesterol levels.

Although many do not believe it, stress has a high impact on cholesterol; especially what is known as chronic stress, which is a sustained state of nerves or anxiety and are not punctual episodes.

Chronic stress raises cholesterol in two ways

Chronic stress can increase cholesterol in two ways. First of all, the serious impact that this state of mind has on our lives leads to a change in habits, since being nervous, we tend to increase the consumption of unhealthy foods and our lifestyle becomes more sedentary. Secondly, stress also stimulates hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, due to the state of tension in which we find ourselves. This, in turn, releases other types of substances that increase bad cholesterol levels in the long term.

It is for all these reasons that it is very important to recognize and differentiate when we experience a specific situation that causes us stress and when we have been maintaining a high level of anxiety and nerves for a long time. This may be due to everyday circumstances such as work, relationships, or financial concerns.

Some guidelines to follow in your day to day

So the fundamental thing so that your cholesterol levels do not increase is to try to eradicate daily stress and prevent it from becoming a persistent sensation. That is why you can follow a series of recommendations such as the following:

  • Look for planning techniques that help you carry more orderly routines.
  • Take care of your diet.
  • Perform physical exercise.
  • Practice relaxation exercises or meditation.
  • Control the time you spend connected to mobile devices.
  • Seek support and distraction from family and close friends.

And you, did you know the negative effects that stress has on your cholesterol levels? What do you do to try to stop it in your day to day?

#stress #level #affect #cholesterol

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