Milk producers can already apply for state support

by time news

2023-04-19 10:43:03

8 million 9 out of 10 milk producers of the country will be able to receive national support amounting to EUR. 251 milk producers meet the requirements to receive support in the Prienai district, which is 89 percent. from the total number of producers in the area.

Support should reach farmers after June 1.

Deadlines for applications
Applications for support are accepted from April 17. until May 5 It will be possible to submit a late application no later than June 5, but only due to exceptional circumstances beyond the applicant’s control (force majeure), it is necessary to attach supporting documents for the reason for the delay. Late applications will not be accepted.
The applications are collected by the municipal administration or council of the district where the applicant’s property is registered. She has already received the summaries of those who can apply for aid by ward from the Agricultural Data Center of VĮ.
The employee of the municipality will enter the data into the application form and print 2 copies of it. The applicant and the municipal employee will confirm the correctness of the application data with their signatures. The signed aid application will be considered submitted, one copy of the application will be given to the applicant, the other will be kept in the municipality.
If the data specified in the applications of different applicants do not match, the Agricultural Data Center of VĮ Zemės ūkios data will ask the applicants to provide additional information in writing. Applicants will have to clarify such information within 5 working days. Support should reach farmers after June 1.

Requirements for receiving support

The Minister of Agriculture Kęstutis Navickas has signed the order “On the approval of the rules for the provision of national aid to milk producers”, which provides how 8 million will be distributed. state support of EUR. Aid will be provided to milk producers who have submitted applications and meet all of the following requirements:
are registered as farm managers or partners in the Agricultural and Rural Business Register no later than 2023. January 31;
if the average in 2023 the purchase price of natural raw milk from February to March will not exceed 35 cents per kilogram (the applicant does not need to provide this data);
on whose behalf in the Register of Farm Animals in 2023 March 1 there were registered dairy cows;
who and whose spouses are not and have not been approved recipients of support under the measure of the Rural Development 2004-2006 Plan “Supporting early withdrawal from commercial agricultural production” and the measure “Early withdrawal from commercial agricultural production” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2007-2013.
10,615 farmers in the country meet the requirements to receive this support – almost 90 percent. milk producers.

Money will be transferred to accounts
The list of milk producers who can apply for aid will be compiled and the amount of aid will be calculated by the Agricultural Data Center of VĮ. If the calculated amount of aid exceeds the allocated amount of funds, the amount of aid for all applicants will be reduced in proportion to the amount of missing funds.
The aid amounts will be determined by a separate order of the Minister of Agriculture by May 12. The amount of the benefit will be increased by 10 percent. for those milk producers who have been members of a recognized cooperative company (cooperative) since 2023. March 1 Members of these cooperatives will have to apply in the normal way, like all other milk producers.
The employees of the municipalities will not have to collect additional data about the membership of the mentioned cooperatives. After evaluating the received data, the center will calculate the support due.
Support funds are planned to be paid from June 1. The money will be transferred to the applicants’ accounts by the National Payment Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Photo by Ričardas Pasiliauskas

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