Academic Environment Seminar welcomes newcomers to Unilab

by time news

2023-04-19 21:27:05

Institutional opening table for Samba in Ceará. Photo: Secom/Unilab.

Presentation of sectors and services offered by the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), in addition to cultural presentations and welcome to new students, marked the Academic Environment Seminar, whose 19th edition took place on April 17th and 18th , on the campuses of Ceará and Bahia.

Composing the institutional welcome table in Ceará and the round table “Unilab: History, Institutional Organization and challenges”, the dean, Roque Albuquerque, and the vice-dean, Cláudia Carioca, highlighted the joy of receiving such motivated new students .

Rector of Unilab, Roque Albuquerque. Photo: Secom/Unilab.

“It’s our first connection with the students and very remarkable for the lightness with which this new group arrives, the vibrant joy, the music sung with the soul, the presentations, the whole movement. And it is a moment for us to prepare the students to know what is available to them: the leveling policy, the importance of Pulsar, the aid, the scholarships”, highlighted the dean.

Vice-rector of Unilab, Cláudia Carioca. Photo: Secom/Unilab.

The vice-rector considers that the seminar is important not only for the students, but for the management itself, “because we can see in the eyes of those who are arriving here the victorious glow of having conquered something that will change their lives and that infects us and strengthens us to continue fulfilling our mission”.

institutional welcome table in Bahia.

At the institutional welcome table in Bahia, the director of Campus dos Malês, Mírian Reis, brought Conceição Evaristo’s poem “For the girl”, about hope. “It is based on hope and solidarity that public education is created, which we understand as transformative”, she pointed out. Still according to the director, Malês “is a resistance campus; and those of you who arrive will encounter difficulties, but you will also encounter a collective that does not falter with difficulties”, she said.

The director of the Instituto de Humanidades Pedro Leyva was also present at the institutional table and welcomed the new students. “When you come to Unilab, you come to a dream, dreamed by Brazilian people, of African descent, of African descent. A dream also dreamed of by people who are not of African origin, but who think of an anti-racist, anti-colonial society, a society outside of “ism” – machismo, patriarchy and every form of oppression that corrupts humanity, ”he said.

Student representations were also present at the welcome table, such as Pedrina Belém do Rosário, a student of the International Relations course at the Malês campus and quilombola representative of the Southern Bahia Lowlands. “We are here bringing other people. It is very important to understand the ground we are stepping on, what we are building on that ground, to understand that we bring our trajectories, to understand that our voice has locality, marked by social, economic and generational markers”, she said.

Pedrina also expressed joy at the arrival of new colleagues and stressed the importance of remembering ancestors and taking knowledge to other spaces outside the university. “I hope that those of you who are arriving now are open to this collective construction, to materialize our dreams and those of our ancestors, of our locality, and with this perspective of thinking beyond the walls of the university”, she highlighted.

Access to 52 thousand books

Librarian Elineuza Santos presented Unilab’s Library System (Sibiuni). Photo: Secom/Unilab.

Samba, as the word “ambiance” suggests, seeks to show students an overview of the university. The presentation of the Unilab Library System (Sibiuni) could not be missing, by librarian Elineuza Santos.

Unilab has a collection of around 52,000 copies of books and 6,800 titles already available for loan, distributed in the libraries on the campuses of Auroras and Palmares, in Ceará, and at the Biblioteca dos Malês, in Bahia.

Among the libraries’ services are home loan; special loan; Sibiuni Interlibrary Loan; research guidelines, database consultation and research database; guidance on standardization of academic work, according to ABNT and Vancouver; access to the Capes journal portal; guidelines for users in preparing Curriculum Lattes, among others.

Combating structural racism

The coordinator of Human Rights and Affirmative Actions (CDHAA/Propae), Sueli Saraiva, addressed affirmative action programs for historical repair/restoration in relation to admission and permanence in universities, with Unilab having the Affirmative Action Program, born with the resolution nº 40/2021 of the University Council (Consuni).

“We all know the importance, in Brazil, of when a young black person enters university, the contribution that this fact brings to change Brazilian society”, he said.

In this sense, the professor emphasizes the centrality of the issue for Unilab, “which did not wait to consolidate itself and only then think about affirmative actions and Human Rights, on the contrary, we are doing everything at the same time”, she declared.

#Academic #Environment #Seminar #welcomes #newcomers #Unilab

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