9,148 new cases and 144 deaths, never so few in seven months- Corriere.it

by time news

I’m 9.148 the new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday they were +12.965, here the bulletin). The number of people who have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to at least 4,044,762. THE deaths today I’m 144 (yesterday it was +226), for a total of 121,177 victims from February 2020. While the people recovered or discharged I’m 3.492.679overall: 8.637 those that came out of the Covid nightmare today (+18,466 yesterday). He positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 430.906, equal to 364 compared to yesterday (430.542).

Swabs and the rate of positivity

Total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 158,872 while yesterday they were 378.202

. The positivity rate is equal to 5.8%, a clear increase: yesterday it was 3.4%.Here is the map of the contagion in Italy.

The victims

The victims: they are 144 against 226 yesterday. the lowest figure in seven months now: to reach such a low number of victims, we must go back to October 26, 2020 when 141 deaths were recorded.

The pressure on the health system

The pressure is slowly relieved in the Covid, ordinary and intensive departments. The beds occupied in the ordinary Covid wards are 36 fewer than yesterday, for a total of 18,345 hospitalized. The beds occupied in therapy intensive (TI) I’m 2 in pi (yesterday -61), bringing the total of patients hospitalized in these wards to 2,524 with 109 daily admissions (the change in the number of beds occupied indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours).

The cases region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, is the total cases (number of people found positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 808.046: +1.287 cases (yesterday +2.139) with 30.249 swabs
Veneto 413.142: +329 cases (yesterday +914) with 14.812 swabs
Campania 395.094: +1.352 (yesterday +1.950) with 14.087 swabs
Emilia Romagna 371.140: 950 cases (yesterday +941) with 9,852 swabs
Piedmont346,977: +702 cases (yesterday +882 cases) with 9,377 swabs
Lazio 325.809: +986 (yesterday +1.151) with 15,741 swabs
Puglia 236.781: +810 cases (yesterday +1.130) with 6,226 swabs
Tuscany 228.467
: +730 cases (yesterday +895) with 14,933 swabs
Sicily 210,259: +772 cases (yesterday +1,000) with 9,773 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 105.403 : +24 cases (yesterday +223) with 2,979 swabs
Liguria99.837: +202 (yesterday +219) with 4,652 swabs
Market 98.096 : +132 cases (yesterday +259) with 974 swabs
P.A. Bolzano 71.349 : +72 (yesterday +135) with 3.054 tampons
Abruzzo 71.603 : +159 cases (yesterday +226) with3,696 swabs
Calabria60.697:+286 cases (yesterday +337) with 2,363 swabs
54.603: + 65 cases (yesterday +96) with 1,765 swabs
Sardinia 54.815 : +124 cases (yesterday +184) with 3,468 swabs
P. A. Trento 41.698: +38 cases (yesterday +78) with1,100 swabs
Basilicata 24.232 : +77 cases (yesterday +199) with755 swabs
Molise 13.287 : + 28(yesterday +31) with .476 pads
Valle d’Aosta 41.69: +23 (yesterday +58) with 415 swabs

Deaths region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, that of the total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic updated with today’s data.

Lombardy 32.945 (+ 23, yesterday +52)
Veneto 11.365 (+15, yesterday +20)
Campania 6.416 (+11, yesterday +12)
Emilia Romagna 12.906 (+13, yesterday +17)
Piedmont 11.283 (+10, yesterday +18)
Lazio 7.699 (+13, yesterday +13)
Puglia 5912(+18, yesterday +21)
Tuscany 6.219
(+17, yesterday +18)
Sicily 5.423 (+3, yesterday +10)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 3.714(+3, yesterday +11)
Liguria 4.194 (+5, yesterday +6)

Market 2.944(+1, yesterday +5)
P. A. Bolzano 1.162 (no new deaths, yesterday +1)
Abruzzo 2.412
(+4, yesterday +5)
Umbria1.357 (no new deaths, yesterday +5)
Calabria1.019 (+4, yesterday +4)
Sardinia 1.389(+2, yesterday +3)
P. A. Trento 1.345
(no new deaths, yesterday +1)
Basilicata 536 (+2, yesterday no new deaths)
Molise478(no new deaths (, yesterday +3)
Valle d’Aosta 459 (no new deaths, yesterday +1)

May 2, 2021 (change May 2, 2021 | 19:16)


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