kyiv received the first American Patriot air defense systems

by time news

2023-04-20 00:47:33

Find here all of our live #UKRAINE

22h54 : ⚡️According to preliminary information, the flare was the result of one of NASA’s satellites falling to Earth. This was reported by the head of the #Kyiv military administration. The air raid alarm was declared in order to protect people from the danger of debris.

22h54 : 9:50 p.m. in #Kyiv, a huge bright flash lights up the sky in the night (I saw it too), reported all over the city. Then the anti-aircraft attack alert goes on. Nature of light flash unknown. First videos are circulating

22h54 : The #Kyiv regional military administration reports that the explosion in the sky over #Kyiv is the result of air defense work.

23h12 : Videos posted on social networks show a huge flash of light in the sky of Kyiv this evening. Even the head of the presidential office, Andriy Yermak, relayed the information on Telegram. The military administration of the city has just announced on the social network that it is the fall of a NASA satellite.

“Around 10 p.m., a bright glow of an aerial object was observed in the sky over Kyiv. According to preliminary information, this phenomenon was the result of the fall of a NASA space satellite to Earth”she wrote.

17h47 : Victim of the Russian conflict, Volodymyr, a Ukrainian soldier, was operated on at the University Hospital of Amiens (Somme), in the maxillofacial surgery department of Professor Bernard Devauchelle. It was here in 2005 that he performed the first partial face transplant in the world. France 3 Hauts-de-France went to meet this former soldier.

16h29 : The city of Sloviansk, in the east of the country, was experiencing a relative calm. Until the strikes resumed last Friday, resulting in the death of 15 people. The evacuations resumed, to the great dismay of the inhabitants, who testified to franceinfo.

15h27 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the border section shared between his country, Poland and Belarus. Fortifications and CCTV systems are still being installed in the Volyn region, says the Presidency (in Ukrainian)in order to deal with the possibility of a military invasion from Belarus.


12h58 : A Russian appeals court confirms the sentence of eight and a half years in prison inflicted on opponent Ilya Yachin for his criticism of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine. The opponent was found guilty of having disseminated “false information” about the Russian army.

12h41 : “Patriots” for patriotsDo you know how to visualize a dream? We must tell about it to the world and give it life! This is exactly what happened with the Patriots, even before the large-scale war, even before my appointment to the most important position of my life at the most…

13h07 : “Today our beautiful Ukrainian skies become safer as Patriot air defense systems have arrived in Ukraine.”

On Twitter, the Ukrainian Defense Minister thanked the United States, Germany and the Netherlands for“having kept his word”.

12h44 : They were eagerly awaited: kyiv received the first American Patriot air defense systems. This system makes it possible to fight more effectively against short-range missiles and against attacks from the sky in general. At the end of December, we explained to you what this defense system consists of.

10h43 : The Opéra national du Rhin presents from Friday a multidisciplinary festival dedicated to Slavic cultures. The event is a response to “the instrumentalization” of culture by Moscow. “Culture is exploited by Russia, which uses language as a weapon”explains the general manager of the structure, Alain Perroux. But works of Russian heritage are not the property of the current autocrat at the helm of Russia.”

10h25 : After the ban on Ukrainian grain imports, Hungary will also apply the measure to dozens of agri-food products from today. According to a decree, flour, honey, wine, bread, meat and vegetables from kyiv may no longer be sold on Hungarian soil until June 30. This decision was judged “unacceptableby the European Commission.

08:10 : In the streets of Kherson there is an impression of a ghost town, as if time has stood still. The city continues to empty. They were 300,000 inhabitants before the war, they are now only 50,000. Immerse yourself in this bruised city with Fabien Magnenou and Mathieu Dreujou.


08h07 : We’re taking you to Kherson today. The large city in southern Ukraine was taken by the Russians, before being liberated last November. However, five months after its reconquest by kyiv in November, peace has not yet returned. The bombardments continue to punctuate the daily life of the last inhabitants who have not yet left. To date, 1,200 buildings have been destroyed or damaged.


07h22 : Let’s move on to the press review. “Counter-offensive: how Ukraine is preparing”titre Liberation (paid item). “Around the martyr city of Bakhmout, the troops of kyiv strive to push back those of the Kremlin, better equippedexplains the daily.

07h29 : Sergei Lavrov, on tour in Latin America, is looking for new allies. “It is necessary to join forces to counter blackmail attempts and illegal unilateral pressure from the West”, affirmed the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, during a press conference, with his Venezuelan counterpart. He also pleaded for “a multipolar world”.

06h11 : Des drones russes de type Shahed-136 hit the Odessa region that night without causing casualties, announced the local military authorities. “Most enemy drones were destroyed, but unfortunately a public building was hit”said the military administration of the Odessa district in a press release.

#kyiv #received #American #Patriot #air #defense #systems

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