MaPrimeRénov’, how it works – archyde

by time news

2023-04-20 14:12:21

The MaPrimeRénov’ system “works very well”. When he was a candidate for his succession, Emmanuel Macron was pleased with the success of this device to allow “low-income or [aux] middle classes “ to obtain a “gain in purchasing power over time”, but also the source of a reduction in “CO2 emissions” and “external dependence” from France.

According to him, 700,000 homes must be renovated each year through MaPrimeRénov’. In 2021, 574,000 applications were filed, including nearly 300,000 accepted.

How and who can benefit from this aid? Your accommodation, occupied as your main residence, must have been built for at least fifteen years from the date of dispatch of the decision granting the Anah (National Housing Agency) awarding you the bonus. A fairly wide range of work is eligible for this bonus: change of boiler for wood-fired equipment, solar energy, a heat pump, or even the replacement of an oil boiler. The premium can also allow you to carry out thermal insulation work on glass walls and walls. Work that must be carried out by an RGE-certified professional.

The bonus is awarded without income conditions. However, your income is taken into account to determine the amount of the premium to which you are entitled and the work and/or service for which you are eligible. It is the reference taxable income (RFR) which is taken into account. The amount therefore varies according to your situation and the work carried out, up to 7,000 euros for a comprehensive renovation.

To accompany you in your steps, a France Rénov number is available: 0.808.800.700.

#MaPrimeRénov #works #archyde

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