Student suspended for quoting the Bible against LGBT: ‘Hate speech’

by time news

2023-04-20 17:30:33

The advance of religious persecution disguised as a “common good” and the fight against “hate speech” continues inside and outside Brazil, as in the United States, a country whose democracy guarantees the right to express opinions against homosexuality and other issues, but which now it has been promoting censorship in university centers.

The most recent case involves a Christian student at the County College of Morris (CCM). The young man named Kombe Sefelino was accused of “hate speech” after making repeated statements in defense of biblical teaching that condemns same-sex sexual relationships, also called homosexuality.

According to information from Fox News, Seferino used to quote the passage from 1 Cor. 6:9-10, where it is said that “the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God,” any more than “the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, or revilers, or swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

The Bible is clear when treating homosexuality as a sin of a sexual nature, as well as several others, which is why it places it in the same context as adultery and addictions, showing that God, in fact, is no respecter of persons, but as it only demands that all come to repentance.

This has been the preaching of the student, who, although duly supported by his conscience and religious freedom, ended up being punished by the CCM on the grounds that he had propagated “hate speech”.

defense of freedom

In response to the attempted gag on Christian thought, the American First Legal office filed a lawsuit against CCM and its dean of students, Janique Caffie, along with co-counsel Jonathan F. Mitchell and Wally Zimolong.

According to Christian student advocates, CCM is “a taxpayer-funded public institution bound by the Constitution’s guarantees of free speech and religious freedom.”

The educational institution, for its part, claimed that “there is simply no place on this campus for prejudice against any individual or group of individuals based on their status as a protected class”.

It turns out that, in reality, the “hate speech” narrative has been the tool used by LGBT+ agenda activists to censor opinions contrary to their movement.

Since the concept is absolutely vague and, therefore, subjective, any individual or institution can maliciously apply it against their opponents, falsely accusing them of propagating “hate”, when in fact it is nothing more than the manifestation of a contrary view.

Legal Vice President and General Counsel of America First, Gene Hamilton commented on the case involving the Christian student, noting that American universities have always been spaces for free debate, but that they are now becoming “censorship centers”, something not very different from what we have already seen in Brazil.

“For generations, colleges and universities have been centers of free speech and the open exchange of ideas. American students were taught to respectfully disagree with one another,” said Hamilton.

“That is no longer true, and many colleges and universities have become centers of censorship. bureaucrats [da cultura] woke students at colleges across the US are more than happy to silence speeches they disagree with.” lamented.

Seferino, now, if he does not win the case against the university, he will run the risk of being expelled permanently. Pray to God that freedom will prevail in America and the real bigots will be defeated.

#Student #suspended #quoting #Bible #LGBT #Hate #speech

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