The Government Public Service Index 2020 revealed: RMI at the bottom of the table

by time news

In 2020, the Government’s Quality of Service Index of general satisfaction with the government unit weakened and decreased slightly, while halting the improvement trend of recent years. In general, the level of service is medium-low and in 2020 stands at an average score of 66 (on a scale between 0 and 100), two points less than in 2019.

The index, which is reviewed by 23 ministries and government authorities that provide services to the public, was conducted by the unit for improving government service in the Government Information Technology Authority, the Ministry of Economy.

The authors of the summary of the index note that the decline in satisfaction with government service in 2020 stems from the significant challenges posed by the corona crisis to government ministries. An examination of the quality of service index over the quarters clearly shows that the decline in citizens’ satisfaction with government service focuses on the outbreak of the corona crisis and the first closure (Quarter 2 2020) later in the year there is a slight recovery.

The summary and recommendations of the index state that as a result of the health and economic crisis caused by the corona virus, the citizens of Israel needed government services more than ever, and the corona posed a significant challenge to government service across the board. The index indicates that the frontal service in the service centers was inactive for much of the year, the load of calls to the call centers increased sharply and significantly and caused waiting times much longer than usual, and the consumption of digital services accelerated greatly. And the main lesson is the strengthening of the digital service provided to the citizen in government ministries.

2 of the 3 worst-scoring units are related to real estate – the Israel Land Authority and the Real Estate Tax Authority, which “earned” only 53 points. Just ahead of them is the Enforcement and Collection Authority with 55 points. The Ministry of Health is fourth from the end with 57 points – probably , Suffered a decline due to the Corona issue.And another recognized problematic place, the Department of Disability Rehabilitation in the Ministry of Defense is in fifth place from the bottom with 59 points.

On the plus side, the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority stands out, receiving first place in the Trust and Government Service Index for 2020, with a score of 82 points – an impressive increase of 10 points compared to the previous year. It is followed by the Firearms Division of the Ministry of Internal Security and the third Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority is also at the top of the public trust level index in government units, with a score of 88 points (an increase of 10 points compared to the previous year), and also of the telephone service satisfaction index, with 82 points (an increase of 6 points compared to the previous year ).

The Ministry of Social Equality says that despite the corona crisis and the difficulties it brought with it in 2020, a crisis that affected the entire sphere of life of citizens including a decline in citizens’ trust in some government service, the authority managed to maintain the trust of service recipients, Holocaust survivors and their families.

The Minister for Social Equality, Meirav Cohen, told Globes that improving the service provided to Holocaust survivors is our moral duty and we must act as quickly as possible to enable them to exercise their rights. “I was happy to see that the hard work of the dedicated professionals at the Holocaust Survivors Authority is reflected in the data. It is a great pride and a result of dedicated work wholeheartedly.”

The head of the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority, Abram Turem, said that “PA employees come every day with a sense of mission, investing their energy, thought and, no less important, their hearts, to provide the best and most efficient service to the survivor population.”.

General satisfaction with the unit

1. The Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority (82 points, +10 last year)
2. Ministry of Homeland Security – Firearms Licensing Division (81 points, +2 last year)
3. Ministry of Religious Affairs (80 points, +7 last year)
4. Population and Immigration Authority (76 points, +1 last year)
5. Registration and settlement of real estate (74 points, 2 last year)

Level of trust in the unit

1. The Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority (88 points, +10 last year)
2. Ministry of Homeland Security – Firearms Licensing Division (82 points, unchanged)
3. Registration and settlement of real estate (77 points, 1 year last year)
4. Population and Immigration Authority (73 points, unchanged)
5. Ministry of Religious Affairs (72 points, +1 last year)

Satisfaction from the unit’s website

1. Ministry of Homeland Security – Firearms Licensing Division (85 points, unchanged)
2. Registration and settlement of real estate (76 points, -6 last year)
3. Population and Immigration Authority (74 points, 7 sub-item)
4. Ministry of Transportation, Licensing Division (73 points, -6 from last year)
5. Draw: The Ministry of Social Equality and the Corporations Authority (72 points, 3 last year)

Satisfaction with the unit’s telephone answering

1. The Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority (82 points, +6 from last year)
2. Ministry of Homeland Security – Firearms Licensing Division (76 points, 8 years ago)
3. Ministry of Religious Affairs (73 points, +6 from last year)
4. The Ministry of Social Equality (68 points, 3 years ago)
5. Israel Police (67 points, -6 last year)

Satisfaction with the frontal service of the unit

1. Ministry of Immigration and Absorption (84 points, +12 last year)
Draw: Population and Immigration Authority and Ministry of Homeland Security – Firearms Licensing Division (80 points, +1 and 9 last year, respectively)
Draw: The Rabbinical Courts and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (74 points, +11 and 5 last year, respectively)
4. Draw: Employment Service and Court Administration (70 points, 4 last year)
5. Draw: The Tax Authority – VAT and the Ministry of Health (68 points, 5 and 4 last year, respectively)

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