Almost two centuries of history of Spanish healthcare full of milestones

by time news

2023-04-20 22:24:14

The General Council of Medical Associations (Cgcom), the Mutual Insurance Association (AMA) and Diario Médico have brought together the best of the health sector in Madrid today in a joint act to celebrate their respective anniversaries. Under the title of “A century committed to society and doctors”the act has served, among other things, to review the most significant milestones that have occurred in the more than 100 years of life of the collegiate corporation, the more than 55 years of AMA and the more than three decades of history of Medical Journal.

Hosted by the journalist Monica Carrillo and framed within the acts of celebration of the centenary of the Cgcom, the event has brought together, among other prominent personalities of the health sector, the former Ministers of Health Julian Garcia Vargas y Alfonso Alonso; Ana Pastorsecond vice-president of the Congress of Deputies; Celia GomezGeneral Director of Professional Organization of the Ministry of Health; rosemary rosepresident of the Health Commission of Congress; Joseph Ignatius EchnizChairman of the Defense Committee, Senator Rubn Moreno; Elena MantillaGeneral Director of Inspection, Planning and Sanitary Strategy of the Community of Madrid; Jess Aguilar y scar Castropresidents, respectively, of the general councils of Pharmacists and Dentists; Toms Toranzopresident of the State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM), and Nicholas Speroni,Managing Director and Board Member of Unidad Editorial, Rosario SerranoBusiness Director of the Health area of ​​Unidad Editorial y Francisco Rosellattached to the Presidency of the communication group editor of Medical Journal.

If there is a verb that defines the General Council and the schools, that is to help

Tomás Cobo, president of the General Council of Colleges of Physicians

The presidents of Cgcom and AMA Seguros, Toms Cobo y Diego Murillorespectively, and the Business Director of the Health area of ​​Unidad Editorial, Rosario Serranohave acted as hosts in the birthday set of three essential actors in the history of Spanish healthcare.

The AMA headquarters has been the scene of a commemoration that has begun with an exhaustive review of the trajectory of the Cgcom throughout its more than one hundred years of existence, from its creation as the Federation of Medical Associations of Spain, in 1920, and the drafting of its first statutes, to the supportive and commendable response that the Council and the 52 medical associations of Spain gave (and continue to give) in the face of the consequences of the covid pandemic.

In the meantime, the president of the WTO wanted to value milestones as significant as the approval of the first deontological “annex” of the corporation, in 1945, the seed of the first Code of Ethics of the Council, which will come hand in hand with Spanish democracy; the integration of the Council, as a founding member, in the World Medical Association (1947) or its full consideration (via regulations) as a public law corporation in 1967, the same year, by the way, in which the Duque del Infantado College was founded to Children of doctors in Guadalajara, antecedent of the Fundación Patronato Social (FPSOMC).

If there is something that I feel proud of, it is to be the president of a professional mutual

Diego Murillo, president of AMA

Ongoing medical training, accreditation and reaccreditation of physicians or the undeniable vocacin solidaria of the General Council, and of the medical associations in general, which crystallized in 2010 in the creation of the Foundation for International Cooperation of the OMC (Fcomci), have also been present in Cobo’s journey through the history of a collegiate corporation which, moreover, as a faithful reflection of society and of the evolution of the medical profession itself, has become an increasingly feminized institution, both in the Council and in the colleges.

The president of the WTO ended his brief but heartfelt speech with a triple tribute: “To the doctors in general who have marked the trajectory of Cgcom during these hundred years; to the rural doctors, who do commendable work that is not always well recognized , and to the 125 colleagues who died during the Covid”.

The long history of AMA

The president of AMA recalled that the insurer he chairs began his journey alone in 1987, “with very few staff and without even a computer. We toured all of Spain full of illusion and never, not even in my wildest dreams, could I imagine that it would be in an auditorium like this, surrounded by so many healthcare personalities”.

After this extensive career, Murillo recalled that AMA has handled more than 30,000 claims from health professionals, “and that is the best guarantee of the help we have given them over the years.”

That dream, according to the president of AMA, has been consolidated in Spain and has crossed borders, reaching Portugal and Latin American countries, but always, Murillo has emphasized, “with our feet on the ground.”

On behalf of Diario Médico, the head of Unidad Editorial and the youngest of the three birthdaythe Business Director of its Health area recalled that in 1999, coinciding with its 7th anniversary, Diario Médico “had the honour” of editing the facsimile of the Nobel thank-you speech that Santiago Ramon y Cajal pronounced in French in Stockholm on December 12, 1906, “a real luxury” that would not have been possible -said Serrano- without the collaboration of the CSIC, the Cajal Institute, the BBVA Foundation “and thanks to the generosity of the heirs of Cajal”.

Rigor, objectivity and independence are the intrinsic values ​​of ‘Diario Médico’

Rosario Serrano, Business Director of the Health area of ​​Unidad Editorial

Serrano recalled that the permanent vocation of Diario Médico to be at the side of Spanish health and its professionals make this header go far beyond a mere newspaper: “It is a link between entities, health, teaching and research or legislative fields , always at the service of the sector“. And all of this, the Unidad Editorial board has emphasized, “maintaining loyalty to its intrinsic values: rigor, objectivity and independence“Values ​​that, according to her, would be very difficult to maintain” without the work of the best specialized health communication team in our country, with incalculable human value, who are with us today.

In full harmony with one of the historical slogans of Diario Médico, “only leaders innovate”, Serrano has ensured that innovation is in the DNA of a newspaper that has been digital since 1998 (with the first website; that he released in 2001 to his “first cousin” Pharmaceutical Mailwith its corresponding website, and which continued to be reinforced later with Ondasalu“the embryo of what is Cuidateplus today, the leading prevention and health education website for the general public”.

The trajectory continues today with the merger of both professional headswith the aim of becoming “the only platform for Spanish-speaking health professionals, strong and consolidated in what is already a reality: an entire information and health services ecosystem that brings together the cross-sectional area of ​​Unidad Editorial Health”, Serrano has finished.

Second Vice President of Congress, Ana Pastor, has highlighted the vocation and dedication of health professionals and has ensured that “I have always thought and maintained that if I were born again I would be a health worker, I would be a doctor”. In a room packed with healthcare professionals, Pastor has recalled the importance of universal collegesomething that -he has emphasized- we have always defended, “on many occasions alone, because many were not aware of the importance of this requirement, and not only for the good of the profession, but above all for the safety of patients” .

Pastor recalled the “trajectory, importance and relevance” of the General Council, AMA and Medical Journal, and has stated that the three honorees agree on one thing; “You have exercised your work with enormous sense of responsibilitybut also with a commendable vocation for public service”.

On behalf of the Ministry of Health, the Director of Professional Ordination has conveyed the greetings of the new minister, Jose Manuel Mioneswho “for scheduling reasons”, has said, has not been able to attend the event.

Gmez has valued the “enormous work of health professionals, who save lives and who, as the Covid pandemic has shown, are part of the best that our health system has.”

The person in charge of Ministry Personnel has made a quick tour of “the many and very important tasks” that the General Council has assigned, and has recalled that the body that brings together the 52 colleges develops “vital work” in matters such as medical training continued, the accreditation of professionals. At this point, he has made reference to the award process, currently underway, for specialized health training places, to the “injection” of 52 million euros that the central government has put on the table via the General State Budget to increase the grade places.

In the case of AMA, the Director of Professional Organization has affirmed that the numbers of the insurer are the best guarantee of its trajectory throughout these more than 55 years of life, “and of the evident success of its work”. She, too, wanted to expressly congratulate Unidad Editorial “for making Diario Médico an essential reference medium in the health sector, and always with the professionalism and rigor that have characterized her entire career.”

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