the first ones, Isabel Rodríguez and Pere Aragonès

by time news

2023-04-20 22:10:17

It is usual when the campaign approaches that the notices of the Central Electoral Board politicians of all stripes. Mainly, to those who are in the government, either at the regional or national level. And the reason is none other than to use their institutional space – within an executive – to command electoral messages. And the list for May 28 has already been inaugurated with the first two names: isabella rodriguez y Peter Aragonés.

The JEC reproaches the government spokesperson have used the press conference after the Council of Ministers – which is held at the Moncloa Palace – to campaign. Specifically, it was on April 4. The JEC considers that it made “evaluative appreciations” when it spoke of the unemployment data, which it described as “magnificent”, among other evaluations.

In a statement, the Central Electoral Board asks Isabel Rodríguez to refrain from repeating these actions in the future, since they violate the principle of neutrality to which it is bound. Since, not only were there positive qualifiers, there was also criticism of the opposition leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

In the opinion of the JEC, these statements are not legitimate “in the performance of the institutional activity of a public authority.” And for this reason, they consider that the spokesperson for the Executive violated the prohibition to carry out a campaign for government achievements that stems from article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG). Although, for the moment there will be no sanction for Rodríguez because it is something sporadic.

They also call attention to Pere Aragonés

The JEC has also focused on Peter Aragonés. he receives the “electoral” assessments that he issued at a press conference last week by announcing the creation of an Academic Council that will prepare a proposal for a “clarity agreement”. In other words, his way of trying to reach an independence referendum. Something that he announced from the Palau de la Generalitat.

Like Rodriguez the Central Electoral Board has asked Aragonès to “extreme his diligence in future institutional acts to avoid violating the principle of neutrality that the public powers are obliged to respect during the electoral process” and to “issue the appropriate instructions” so that until the municipal elections of 28 May “the evaluative manifestations” object of the complaint be withdrawn from the institutional media of diffusion.

#Isabel #Rodríguez #Pere #Aragonès

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