They premiere “Mi Isla Bella”, a song by Alexis Valdés with Haydée and Pablo Milanés

by time news

2023-04-21 14:00:00

Photo: RRSS

Text: Cuba News 360 Writing

The Cuban actor and comedian Alexis Valdés premiered “Mi Isla Bella”, a song of his own that he performs together with Pablo and Haydée Milanés.

From his social networks, Valdés informed his followers about the premiere of the song, which is accompanied by a Lyric Video, an animated video clip that includes the lyrics and was made by Karoll William.

“This collaboration for ‘Mi Isla Bella’ with Pablo and Haydée Milanés was a miracle, something magical. When I was singing it in my head, I felt that I had to write some new verses, and I imagined that Pablo should be there, that the voice, style and greatness of Pablo Milanés would be the ideal climax for the song,” Alexis wrote in the description of the song. video on the YouTube platform.

In addition, the artist added that the theme was originally planned only with him and the daughter of the Cuban singer-songwriter who died in November of last year. “I sent it to Pablo with the new verses, he liked them a lot, and when they sent me the recorded part of him, I was shocked… it was one of the last works he was able to do,” Valdés said.

For her part, Haydée Milanés was also excited by the premiere of the song. This is how he expressed it from her profile on Instagram: “Alexis invited my father Pablo Milanés and me to collaborate with him on this song, and what we did not imagine is that this would be the last time we would unite our voices to sing. Among other reasons, that is why it hits me so deeply”.

Regarding the subject, the singer affirms that “she talks about feelings that affect each Cuban; the love for our island, its colors, the memory of our experiences, our customs, our childhood games. But this song also talks about the feeling and the most heartbreaking fact of all, that of not being able to return to your land”.

With the emotion in her lyrics, Haydée adds that “I didn’t think that the day I saw the Karoll William video with my father would be the day we said goodbye forever. I get a lump in my throat when his voice enters, that voice that seems like a heart that sings to you. I keep thinking when I hear ‘I miss you, Cuba’, the last phrase that we curiously sing; what a deep feeling, so personal and at the same time so widespread throughout the world… I didn’t think when we recorded this song, that its text would make so much sense to me”.

The Instagram profile of the deceased troubadour also echoed this premiere. Regarding their recording, they explain that Alexis Valdés invites Pablo in 2021 so that, together with his daughter Haydée, they can perform the song. “Pablo always admired and loved Alexis very much and he immediately included that request in a long list of collaborations that so many friends and young musicians kept asking for.”

“I am from a colonial balcony / I am from a kiss and a memory / I am from a portal chair where my dead await me / I am from that wall of salt where the waves crash”, are some of the verses that can be heard in this song that is also available on music platforms.

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