Ten proposals to promote entrepreneurship in oncology

by time news

2023-04-21 09:22:06

Spain has great research and clinical potential and is among the top ten countries in scientific publications on cancer and in second place in conducting clinical trials. However, the research community faces great challenges in entrepreneurship and innovation in oncology. These ten proposals are intended to contribute to a change of course.

The Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)on Cancer Innovation Day”, have drawn up a decalogue of proposals to achieve a more efficient entrepreneurship and innovation activity in Spain:

  • 1. Increase financing in R+D+I up to the average values ​​in Europe, making research compatible with innovation and knowledge transfer.
  • 2. Promote specific and regular calls to finance transfer and innovation activities. Recover proofs of concept and other seed projects that facilitate the constitution of technology-based companies (startups or spin-offs).
  • 3. Define a regulatory framework that promotes innovation in the oncology sector, facilitating the generation and licensing of patents, as well as the conduct of academic clinical trials.
  • 4. Equip the technology transfer offices (OTRIs) in academic institutions and clinics with greater means and personnel to boost entrepreneurial actions.
  • 5. Encourage education and training of research staff in areas of entrepreneurship and business management.
  • 6. Protect the investigation time in hospital centers, making it compatible with care activity.
  • 7. Increase the weight of innovation in processes of research staff evaluation both in basic and clinical settings.
  • 8. Encourage public-private collaboration in the development of new cancer treatments, promoting the creation of consortia and strategic alliances between companies, research centers and health institutes.
  • 9. Encourage and encourage investment in companies and innovative projects in the field of oncology.
  • 10. Raise awareness among administrations and funding bodies about the importance of culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for the benefit of personalized and more equitable medicine.

Measures with which ASEICA and SEOM believe that Spain could improve its competitive position in innovation and entrepreneurship in oncology, also creating highly qualified jobs.

The stones on the road

According to the report “Cancer figures in Spain 2023” prepared by SEOM in collaboration with the Network of Cancer Registries in Spain (REDECAN), almost 280,000 cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Spain this year.

It is also estimated that one in two men and one in three women could develop some type of tumor during their lives.

“Thanks to research and therapeutic advances, the average life expectancy of cancer patients has doubled in the last 40 years; however, oncological diseases continue to be one of the main causes of mortality in this country, representing almost 29% of all deaths”, indicates the oncologist Javier de Castro, secretary of SEOM.

That is why it is necessary to continue betting on innovation and entrepreneurship in oncology and one of the main handicaps is the “lack of financing”.

Although the State budget items dedicated to research have been increasing, as well as investment by industry and individuals, the percentage of GDP dedicated to R+D+I (1.42%) continues to be considerably lower than in other countries. around us, such as 2.4% of the European average, 3.2% in Germany or 4.8% in Israel.

“That we manage to be competitive in these conditions is truly heroic,” says the President of ASEICA, Marisol Soengas who warns: “Many opportunities are being lost in the transfer of knowledge to society.”

Another problem is that research staff usually lack adequate training in innovation and entrepreneurship. “Our researchers lack the tools and knowledge to negotiate and develop their ideas from a business point of view,” laments the oncologist Luis Paz-Ares, former president of ASEICA.

The president of SEOM, the oncologist Enriqueta Felipalso points to the “lack of collaboration between companies, research centers and health institutes” as an “obstacle to innovation” and entrepreneurship in oncology.

#Ten #proposals #promote #entrepreneurship #oncology

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