“The Dangerous Rise of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Europe and Germany: How to Recognize and Protect Yourself Against the Carrier of more than 20 Viruses including Chikungunya and Zika – All Important Questions and Answers at a Glance”

by time news

2023-04-21 15:14:02

It doesn’t get bigger than nine millimeters, and yet it can be very dangerous for humans. The Asian tiger mosquito is increasingly on the rise in Europe – the tiger mosquito is also spreading in parts of Germany. How dangerous is the insect? All important questions and answers at a glance.

How do I recognize the Asian tiger mosquito?

The Asian tiger mosquito belongs to the mosquito family. It is relatively small – it rarely reaches the maximum body size of about nine millimeters. It is striking because of its white-black coloring, which is particularly pronounced on the abdomen and hind legs. Another typical feature is a white line that starts at the back of the head and extends to the base of the wings.

The Federal Environment Agency advises caution: Despite its rather conspicuous appearance, the Asian tiger mosquito is sometimes confused with native mosquito species.

The biting behavior of the tiger mosquito is also striking: During the day it bites mainly outdoors, sometimes also in the home, and it is very persistent.

How dangerous is the Asian tiger mosquito?

The Federal Environment Agency reports that the Asian tiger mosquito can be a carrier of various pathogens, including roundworms (Dirofilaria) and numerous viruses. Experts assume a so-called transmission potential that includes more than 20 viruses. According to the Federal Environment Agency, the tiger mosquito can transmit the following viruses:

  • West Nile viruses
  • Dengue viruses
  • Chikungunya Viruses
  • Zika Viruses

According to experts, the Chikungunya virus is probably the most dangerous for Germany. This is due to the fact that it can multiply well in mosquitoes even at moderate temperatures. Whoever is infected by a tiger mosquito can be affected by long-lasting joint problems, for example in the hand.

In Germany estimates the Federal Environment Agency the risk of virus transmission by tiger mosquitoes is currently low because “the number of virus carriers is low and the occurrence of mosquitoes is limited”. However, increasing evidence of the Asian tiger mosquito in Germany indicated that the mosquito could also establish itself and spread in this country.

Where and how widespread is the Asian tiger mosquito in Germany?

The Asian tiger mosquito was first detected in Germany at a motorway service station near Weil am Rhein (Baden-Württemberg). That was in 2007. In the meantime, the Asian tiger mosquito has also appeared in other areas of Germany, especially in the south, for example in Frankfurt am Main, Jena, Munich and Fürth. Due to the climatic conditions, experts such as those from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health expect “the mosquitoes to spread further in Germany”.

How can you protect yourself against the tiger mosquito?

According to experts, tried and tested methods in particular protect against tiger mosquito bites: long, tight clothing, insect spray and protective nets also help effectively against the Asian tiger mosquito.

If you have contact with a mosquito in your house or garden, you are advised to cover and dry out breeding sites. Popular breeding grounds include rain barrels, water troughs or damp flower pots.

So far, there has been no preventive protection against the Asian mosquito and the diseases it transmits through medication.

What helps against the itching after a mosquito bite?

Experts advise disinfecting the affected puncture wound with an alcoholic solution. Cooling or spot heating the puncture wound also helps. The general rule is: don’t scratch! This prolongs the healing process and can allow bacteria to get into the wound.

By the way: Mosquitoes can also bite in winter. It also depends on what gender they are.

#Asian #tiger #mosquito #arrived #Germany #dangerous

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