Novak Djokovic uses yoga and stretching to achieve his flexibility

by time news

2023-04-21 18:37:23

Discover Novak Djokovic’s training secrets: his preparation routine for big tournaments and how he relaxes and recovers his body. Could you take advantage of his techniques?

Novak Djokovic: training details, yoga and stretching to achieve his flexibility

Last update: April 21, 2023

Novak Djokovic is one of the greatest tennis players of all time and his success is due, in large part, to his commitment and consistency in training. One of the key aspects of your preparation is flexibility.. To achieve it, Djokovic focuses on a combination of yoga, stretching and tennis-specific training.

Despite the obstacles he has faced in his career, such as exhaustion and fatigue, Djokovic has managed to stay at the top of tennis thanks to changes in his lifestyle. If you feel inspired by his story, you can follow his lead and apply some of these principles to your own training.

The importance of flexibility in tennis

In tennis, flexibility is important to allow for high-intensity, explosive movements such as jumps, spins, and changes of direction. Lack of flexibility, on the other hand, can make these moves difficult and limit players’ range on the court. In short, the ability to compete on equal terms with other elite tennis players is affected.

This is explained in the article published by the magazine The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, where, in addition, they justify how flexibility, especially in tennis, It is vitally important to avoid injuries. on the players. The high physical demand that this sport requires is a risk factor for injury.

Djokovic has worked hard to optimize his flexibility through training and yoga. Let’s learn more about the important work he does off the pitch to stay in shape.

Djokovic’s training routine

The 35-year-old tennis player does not stop exercising for a single day. Here we will tell you what his elite routine is based on that has helped him to be where he is.


To start your training regimen, Novak Djokovic focuses his attention on warming up. To do this, start with an easy run or bike ride, gradually increasing the intensity.

Then, move on to some stretching exercises, such as the following:

  • Inverted hamstring stretch.
  • Side bend lunge.
  • Squat thrusts.
  • Reverse lunges.
  • Jumping jacks.

This is part of your warm up and stretching routine, with movements that imitate those that are executed in a normal way in tennis. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and dynamic stretching adequately prepares Djokovic for his rigorous matches and helps him keep his body in top condition.

After his extension training, Novak begins tennis practice with his coaches, which lasts for at least two hours. Sometimes a lot more. Before a tournament the elite athlete makes his workouts on the court more intense.

Weights and strength training

Djokovic knows that in addition to flexibility, a professional tennis player also requires a great deal of arm and shoulder strength to be able to hit precision. For this, his training regimen includes push-ups, pull-ups, triceps pushdowns, and press by the bank.

Besides, a tennis player also needs lower body strength and stability, so you can move quickly around the court. To do this, Djokovic performs exercises such as the following:

  • Box jumps.
  • Side lunges.
  • Barbell squats.

An article published by the Brazilian Journal of Sports Medicine explains that strength training, in combination with exercises designed for tennis, are the most effective for improving the physical condition of tennis players. Above other alternatives.


Meditation is a practice that connects you with the here and now. In athletes, it has become increasingly important to help their concentration on the court.

A study published in BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine found that interventions based on mindfulness in athletes improve their physiological and psychological parameters. Therefore, they concentrate better on the game and have an optimized performance.

Djokovic knows this very well. For many years he began to practice mindfulness and yoga as part of his daily routine.

This helps him increase his awareness on the court and work on his weaknesses. In addition, Djokovic practices tai chi, which encourages flexibility, balance and agility; Fundamental skills in high level tennis.

recovery time

Novak Djokovic understands the importance of feedback in his training. Therefore, he places a lot of emphasis on her.

For the tennis player, if the body is not respected when it is tired or sick, it will not be possible to maintain the necessary level. Get a massage or foam rolling exercises are an important part of your recovery routinebefore and after the games.

A study conducted by the British Journal of Sports Medicine explained the different recovery methods used to improve performance in tennis. Among them is the use of cold treatments, something that Djokovic usually uses after his games or when he has an injury.

Besides, Novak spends a lot of time inside a personal hyperbaric chamber, which serves to increase blood oxygen levels and improve circulation. In theory, with it it accelerates muscle recovery after the wear and tear of each day.

In this way, the tennis player ensures that he gives his body the time and care it needs to stay in shape and face the challenges of competition at a high level.

Novak Djokovic’s diet

Diet is a fundamental part of any athlete’s life and Novak Djokovic is no exception. Apart from being one of the best tennis players in the world, the Serbian is also known for his rigorous eating plan and his healthy lifestyle.

One of the peculiarities of Djokovic’s diet is that it is gluten-free. Although he is not celiac, the tennis player discovered that he had a gluten intolerance that affected his performance on the court and his overall health.

Therefore, several years ago he decided to eliminate protein from his diet. Since then, he has noticed a great improvement in his physical and mental performance.

Djokovic has been very open about how going gluten-free has improved his life and career. You said you feel lighter and more energeticand that his focus and concentration on the court also evolved.

Their diet also includes organic and nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish. Avoid ultra-processed and refined sugars.

The goal is always to reach the next level.

Novak Djokovic’s conditioning routine is the perfect combination of training on the court and exercises of fitness outside her. His personalized regimen, which focuses on strength, stamina and flexibility, is what has propelled him to the top of world tennis.

Besides, his focus on regeneration and recovery after a match is key to his long-term success. Added to this, his intolerance to gluten led him to adopt a wheat-free diet, which has supposedly allowed him to reduce inflammation levels in his body. But above all else, his diet is based on whole foods, rich in nutrients and low in added sugars.

In short, to be an elite tennis player like Djokovic, you not only need skill on the court, but also a total commitment to physical training, recovery and healthy habits. If you want to improve your performance and even your own tennis game, adopting some aspects of Novak’s routine could be a great starting point.

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