Hiv, the pill to prevent infection will be free. Aifa gives the green light to the refund –

by time news

2023-04-21 19:12:09

Of Health editorial

Anlaids gives the news. The Italian Medicines Agency has approved PrEP, valid as prophylaxis in people negative to the HIV virus and at risk of becoming infected

The Price and Reimbursement Committee (CPR) of the Italian drug agency Aifa has given the go-ahead to the reimbursement of PReP, pre-exposure prophylaxispharmacological intervention put in place to prevent contagion in people negative to the HIV virus and at risk of becoming infected. The drug is now included in band A, therefore reimbursable by the National Health Service. The news is reported by the Anlaids Onlus association, which talks about a turning point. The green light of the Cpr concerns in particular the mix emtricitabine / tenofovir / disoproxil.

The reimbursability of PrEP constitutes an important step forward in the prevention of HIV infection, since it makes the drug usable by all people. Thus comments Bruno Marchini, president of Anlaids Onlus, an association that has been fighting the HIV virus and the AIDS disease since 1985, the go-ahead from the Price and Reimbursement Committee (CPR) of the Italian drug agency Aifa, which will lead to free of the drug that is used for this preventive strategy intended for people at high risk of contagion.

PReP for a path which, in addition to drug prescription, includes periodic screening of sexually transmitted infections (STI)which at the moment, in most Italian regions, is still paid by the user – Marchini points out – We hope that the process will be completely taken over to ensure effective prevention and complete awareness.

Decision postponed a month ago

The Technical scientific commission of the regulatory agency had given a favorable opinion on PrEp a month ago. Then for Aifa he had decided to postpone the green light to gratuity, sparking protests from the associations, Anlaids in the lead.

Very high protection

FDA approved since 2012 (Food and Drug Administration Statunitense) already in 2015, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) suggested to the countries of the European Union to consider the adoption of PrEP in national prevention programs for population groups at risk of contracting the virus.
In 2016, the auction clearance also arrived from the EMA, European Medicines Agency. PrEP consists of taking tablets, before and after exposure to the risk of contracting HIV (sexual intercourse without a condom, sharing syringes). Composed of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, the drug has long been used to control HIV therefore their tolerability, safety and efficacy are well known. s.

When taken correctly, prophylaxis offers close to 100% infection protection: this is certified by all international health agencies (UN, UNAIDS, WHO, EMA, ECDC, etc.) who recommend promoting access to PrEP as much as possible and data from countries where it is reimbursable demonstrates it (among them: France, Germany , Spain Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom and many others).

Who can it be prescribed by?

PrEP intended for people who are found not to have already contracted HIV. In Italy it can be prescribed by infectious disease specialists but up until now the expenses were all borne: those for the drugs (about 60 euros per pack) and often also those for the required diagnostic tests.

April 21, 2023 (change April 21, 2023 | 19:11)

#Hiv #pill #prevent #infection #free #Aifa #green #light #refund

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