“Vitamin D Test: Why It’s Essential for Your Health and How to Determine a Deficiency at Home, with a Doctor or in the Pharmacy, Including Costs and Insurance Coverage”

by time news

2023-04-21 08:53:14

Vitamin D is essential for the well-being of the human body: it keeps you healthy, regulates the balance of calcium and phosphate and thus strengthens the metabolism and bone structure. However, many people – whether adults or children – with a Vitamin D Deficiency to fight, which has health consequences such as tiredness, moodiness and often infections.

According to scientists, many people find it difficult to develop enough vitamin D, especially in the cold season, which is mainly due to the reduced exposure to the sun. Also the Nourishment can play an important role.

To determine whether you are suffering from a deficiency, a vitamin D test is recommended. It can be done in different ways: using a (self-) test you bought at a pharmacy or on the internet. The condition of a person in this regard can also be determined by a doctor. We explain the differences, how the vitamin D test works and whether health insurance will cover the costs.

Vitamin D test at the doctor: blood test is evaluated in the laboratory

As an alternative to the self-test, which is available for a fee in the pharmacy or elsewhere in the specialist medical trade, you can go to a doctor. About the process explains the Stiftung Warentest: After taking a blood sample, the 25-hydroxyvitamin D is determined in the serum, the value provides information about the body’s own production of the vitamin D portion (sunlight) and the lower factor food intake.

The nanomol (nmol) or nanogram (ng) values ​​serve as units of measurement for determining the vitamin D balance. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) speaks of a value below 30 nmol per liter as a deficiency, in addition, two other values ​​are of great importance:

  • 50 nanomoles: good vitamin D supply (in relation to the bones, ed.).
  • 400 nanomoles: Oversupply of vitamin D.

If the laboratory value determined by the vitamin D test does not meet expectations, doctors decide on individual measures. According to the consumer portal, this is related to the health status (diseases, complaints, possibly high-risk patients).

Some people can compensate for the lack of vitamin D by spending time outdoors, while other people need it Vitamin D preparations.

Testing for vitamin D: Does health insurance cover the costs?

Does health insurance cover the cost of a vitamin D test? In principle yes, if there is a suspicion of a deficiency. However, this evaluation is at the discretion of the respective doctor: According to this, health insurance companies do not pay for the laboratory test for vitamin D as part of a routine check. Like the nutrition portal vegpool.de describes, the assumption of costs by health insurance companies is rather rare these days. Instead, practical examples would show that it is usually an “individual health service” (IGeL) that you also pay privately as a patient with health insurance. In case of doubt, a previous (telephone) clarification with the doctor helps.

And how much does a vitamin D test on your own cost?

If you want to have your vitamin D status determined yourself, you have to expect different costs depending on the service provider: According to reports, between 20 and 30 euros are paid for a blood test for an evaluation with regard to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, depending on the provider or service provider. doctor but more.

The determination of dihydroxyl cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is more expensive than the “conventional” vitamin D test. However, many experts would not consider this to be meaningful Stiftung Warentest out of.

Vitamin D test in the pharmacy? Similar costs as at the doctor’s

Also in pharmacies there are already self-tests for at home nationwide. The medical trading companies promise reliable results in some cases after just 30 minutes. However, the deviation rate is unsurprisingly much higher compared to laboratory tests. If you have any questions, pharmacies offer individual advice, the costs are between 10 and 35 euros depending on the provider and test method.

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