Castelló approves credit modification of 17 million

by time news

2023-04-22 05:08:58

The Extraordinary plenary session also approved by majority the payment of invoices for 1.4 million, with the technical reports against

Extraordinary plenary session of the City Council in an attempt to ‘buy time’ to be able to incorporate the remnants of 2022 into the budget, and modify credits worth 17 million euros destined, mostly for current expenses and investments. The payment of invoices for 1.4 million has also been approved by majority, with the objections of municipal intervention.

He Castello Town Hall celebrated this morning extraordinary plenary sessionwhich is ahead of next week’s ordinary, to approve points of an economic nature.

The items on the agenda referred to: a credit modification worth 17 million eurosand the approval of invoices for 1.4 million with the objections of municipal technicians.

The first thing that calls attention is, if the City Hall couldn’t have waited to next week, when the full ordinary latest Thursday of the month. And the reason for this extraordinary call.

In this regard, it should be noted that the credit modification It is done mainly for incorporate the remnants municipal of 2022. But also the need to incorporate those 17 million so that can be spent still within this legislaturewhich will end with the elections on May 28.

A credit modification it is not anything. It is part of the municipal budget, income and expenses. And as it happens with the municipal budget, it must follow some administrative steps that go through your initial approval in plenarybut also for a public exposure for a period of 15 days.

In other words, it is not enough to approve it unilaterally by the government team, it must also be submitted to the procedure that can present allegations.

wait a week to the ordinary plenary would have supposed ‘wasting’ precious time in order to make use of these funds. With today’s extraordinary plenary you win just that, time. If no claims are filed the government team may have these flows within 15 days (after its publication in the BOP), in which case, the credit modification will already be definitively approved and will allow the funds to be available from the day after its publication in the BOP.

But if they show up allegations, the plenary of the city council must answer them and where appropriate, reject them, which must also go through another session plenary session of the town hall.

The details of the credit modification

This document from baja departures for a value of 376,279 euros aimed at the acquisition of technical and safety material, mobility material, firefighting vehicles, firefighting projects, accessibility plan, led lighting for public lighting, Pla Castelló Verd and cybersecurity projects.

It is money will go now a: Acquisition of technical material for firefighting, urban spaces reform plan, remodeling of Ferrandis Salvador avenue and rehabilitation works of the Agrarian Chamber (376,279 euros).

Credit increase for municipal remnants

On the other hand, it contains incorporation of extraordinary credits y credit supplements for a total amount of 17.014.454 eurosfrom the liquidation of the 2022 budget and its remnants.

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Charged to those remnants two items of waste and rubbish collection, and street cleaning, worth almost 3 million euros are enabled.

Las other games that are enabled or supplemented are the following:

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For highlighting the bulkier chapters or interesting changes in credits: it incorporates the remodeling of Ferrandis Salvador (in charge of casualties from other games). It allocates one million euros to cover the expenses of the Sports Boardand introduces the reform of the Central Market (2.5 million).

Extrajudicial Credit Acknowledgments

With respect to those known colloquially as ‘Rex’ These were two points that in their entirety approved the payment of bills worth 1.4 million of euros.

Is about service invoices from expired contractssome because the adjudication contests have not been renewed and others because that renewal is paralyzed by judicial resources. Service Surcharges contracted for less than the services rendered. Invoices for services that were not budgeted…

Los REXas I remembered Juan Carlos Redondo (PP)are administrative procedures that must apply exceptionally and when there is no other alternative to deal with the supplier payments.

In fact, these bills fall within the Extrajudicial Credit Acknowledgmentsbecause they have been reported negatively by municipal intervention.

In addition, they are models that face a disquisition. should not be approved because they have report against technicians who watch over the municipal accounts, but in the end, they can not be paid eitherbecause the services have been rendered and providers have right to collect. Otherwisethe institution would incur another illegality: the ‘illicit enrichment’.

In short, as indicated by the Audit Office, they must be used exceptionally, and not be used in a regular way to settle municipal debts.

The plenary debate

Los points, credit modification and invoices with ‘Extrajudicial Credit Recognition’ is approved separatelybut were discussed together. A lot of fabric for a single debate that was only compensated by increasing the first intervention with 6 minutes instead of the usual 5.

Little to add about the debate. The opposition questioned the maneuver of the credit modification and the objectives for which it was intended; and spoiled the government team by some REX that the Marco government criticized over and over again when it was opposition, before being government.

The votes and the anecdote

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In voting time, a nice anecdote.

As expected, after the joint discussion started voting. He Government team voted en masse in favor of all your proposals.

But beware, when the credit modification point, voted first the allegation Presented by VOX and then the modification itself.

here the Councilor Isabel Graneroof the PSOE, I raise my hand when that was pronounced ‘votes in favor of the claim’. Obviously she had been wrong carried away by the bustle of the previous votes. The opposition looked at her in surprise.. And here the mayor del said: “Mrs. Granero, do not pass me to the opposition.” The councilmen laughed and Granero lowered his hand.

#Castelló #approves #credit #modification #million

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