Octave Klaba, supporter of digital sovereignty

by time news

2023-04-22 07:30:00

The founder of OVH, a data hosting and cloud service, wants to compete with American and Chinese Big Tech.

Page led by Guillaume Grallet

Rock star.  After creating OVH with his family, Octave Klaba, here in 2013, is strengthening his investments in French digital.

Rock star. After creating OVH with his family, Octave Klaba, here in 2013, is strengthening his investments in French digital.

Premium Subscriber-only audio playback

Che who could well become the new European digital hero has a fine collection of guitars, discovered computing thanks to an Atari 800 XL and today makes some of his decisions with a cat named Pixel on his knees. However, by displaying his desire to buy, alongside the Caisse des dépôts, the Qwant search engine via the new Synfonium structure, Octave Klaba, creator with his family, in 1999 in Roubaix, of the data hosting champion OVH , wants to compete with American and Chinese Big Tech. “Europe has everything it needs to offer a tech alternative that respects our values. I have met hundreds of companies that have the talent, the technology… Only the ability to scale is missing. This is precisely what I want to develop with Synfonium because it is ultimately about our freedom”explains the fan of the album Made in Japan de Deep Purple.

Our incredible fragility in the face of the cloud

Born in 1975 in Nowa Ruda, in the south-west of Poland, Octave Klaba refuses any fatality. After investing in C12 Quantum, betting on wind power with Poweend, or even on artificial intelligence with Preligens, a French nugget of satellite imagery coveted by the CIA, the jack-of-all-trades entrepreneur got his hands on two years ago on Shadow, an application that allows you to play video games using the cloud.

Cloud: “A leap into the unknown whose consequences we cannot measure”

Nuggets. How to reopen the battle of remote computing? “We also have this battle over the cloud because today, let’s be clear, we lost it. If we want to sustainably control our ecosystem and be sovereign at European level, we must reopen this subject. » We are September 14, 2020 and Emmanuel Macron, in a suit but without a tie, calls on a hundred entrepreneurs gathered at the Élysée to resume the fight. In the strategic cloud sector, French forces have strengthened. Our country can increasingly rely on nuggets like 3DSOutscale, Scaleway, Oodrive, Scalingo, Clever Cloud, Rapid. Space, Free Pro, Aqua Ray, Platform.sh, Jamespot, Whaller, or even the consortium, now operational, Numspot (launched by Docaposte, Dassault Systèmes or even Bouygues Telecom).

“The cloud is a dual technology, civilian and military”

What will allow the Health Data Hub, a platform to play a leading role in the health of the French, to rely less on Microsoft in the management of its sensitive data? Three years ago, Octave Klaba regretted “the fear of trusting French actors”. He explained on Twitter: “The solution still exists. Microsoft’s lobbying manages to make people believe the opposite. It’s a fight. We will continue, and one day we will win. Together. »§

On my lips

“Play”, “pause”, “next”… What if you could control your smartphone or computer without even having to talk to it or press a button? With the EchoSpeech glasses, developed at Cornell University, the dream could come true. Lined with sensors recording the movements of the mouth, these connected frames can recognize 31 orders with a success rate of 95%, thanks to a machine learning algorithm. “People who cannot vocalize sound could regain the power of speech with this technology,” assure Ruidong Zhang, son principal concepteur§ Heloise Pons


millions of euros

This is the price that the Japanese Sega has put on the table to afford Rovio, the Finnish company behind the game franchise (here the movie) where the Angry Birds are illustrated, small birds without wings or legs… but extremely addictive.

L’appli myBlee Math

From negative numbers to square roots, this free application, ideal for the iPad, will surprise you by giving even the most recalcitrant 5-12 year olds a taste for maths!

Stéphane BDC – OVH.com – Cornell University Media /SP – Collection CHRISTOPHEL

#Octave #Klaba #supporter #digital #sovereignty

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