Europeans 2024: the PS wants a “debate” on the left from September

by time news

2023-04-23 14:35:22

More weakened than ever, the Socialists want to unite in view of the European elections of 2024. The secretary general of the PS, Pierre Jouvet, announced in the Sunday newspaper that his party would propose in this sense a “debate” between the different left parties from “the start of the school year in September”. “The European question has always been the most difficult question on the left,” he acknowledged, while the components of the Nupes nurture differences on the subject.

Calling to take “things in order”, Pierre Jouvet therefore indicated that his party would propose “to the whole of the left a debate at the start of the school year in September until the beginning of November”. “Let us put our proposals, our convergences and our divergences on the table. Let’s take the construction time. Let’s work on a project. At the end of this debate, we will see if a rally is possible, ”he pleaded.

Towards a single European list?

“We are ready to discuss a Nupes list for the Europeans, but it is the substance that will determine the rest”, he supported. The question of a single list for Europeans meets in particular with reluctance at Europe Ecology – The Greens, where the national secretary Marine Tondelier repeated her opposition to the hypothesis.

The European “are proportional elections in one round”, during which “our voters, our sympathizers, our members demand to be able to put a green ballot in the ballot box”, she said again on Saturday on France inter. At the same time, the former party boss Julien Bayou opened the door on Franceinfo to a common list, “on one condition”: to follow “an ecological, federalist line, to reorient Europe”.

The alliance on the left “must find a new breath”

Environmentalists and socialists are also calling for a new act by the Nupes, created during the 2022 legislative elections and dominated by La France insoumise which won the largest battalion of deputies. This alliance “must find new life. It must be our floor, never our ceiling, ”argued Pierre Jouvet in the JDD, pleading for its expansion.

“By the summer, we also want to launch in all departments States General of the left and ecology to see how to do better”, explained the one who also says he is in favor of a single candidacy on the left for the presidential election of 2027.

#Europeans #debate #left #September

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