Check out what changes with the new minimum wage, as of May 1st

by time news

2023-04-23 18:00:46

The R$18 increase, or 1.3%, in the minimum wage as of May 1st, which went from R$1,302 to R$1,320, will have an impact not only on workers’ compensation, but also on benefits.

According to estimates by the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese), the minimum wage is the basis for the remuneration of 60.3 million workers and beneficiaries of the INSS (National Social Security Institute). The last readjustment of the floor on January 1st of this year, of R$90, when it went from R$1,212 to R$1,302, had an impact of R$69.3 billion on the economy.

A study shows that each real added to the minimum wage causes an estimated impact of R$ 322.8 million a year on the Social Security benefit sheet.

Among them are retirements, pensions and others that are paid by the INSS. Also, unemployment insurance, salary bonus PIS/Pasep and BCP (Benefit of Continuous Provision).

Likewise, the contribution to the INSS will now be paid at the new minimum amount.

salary allowance

The value of the salary bonus benefit is automatically adjusted on the date of publication of the new minimum wage (May 1st).

Employees who receive monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,640) are entitled to the allowance. He can reach a minimum wage, depending on the length of service in the year.

The calculation of the benefit amount corresponds to the number of months worked in the base year multiplied by 1/12 (0.083) of the minimum wage amount in effect on the payment date.

To qualify for the allowance, the worker must:

• be registered with PIS for at least five years;

• having received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages during the base year;

• have performed paid work for the company for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in the base year considered for calculation;

• have your data informed by the employer correctly in Rais (Annual List of Social Information).

Continuing Provision Benefit (BPC/Loas)

Seniors aged 65 or over and people with disabilities who receive the BPC (Benefit of Continuous Provision) from Loas (Organic Social Assistance Law) also receive R$ 1,320 per month.

The BPC pays a minimum wage as a form of support to people who do not receive any other benefit from the INSS and who do not have the means to support themselves or be supported by their families.

who has the right

To be entitled to the benefit, you must be 65 years of age or older or have a disabling disability for independent living and work. This incapacity is evaluated by the social service and by the INSS medical expert.

You still have to prove that you are really poor. Family income must be a maximum of one quarter of the minimum wage per capita (with the minimum wage at R$1,320, the family income per capita becomes R$330).

In other words: a family of four needs to survive on a minimum wage in order to receive the benefit.

INSS benefits

The minimum amount of benefits paid by the INSS, such as retirement and pensions, will be R$ 1,320. About 70% of the benefits paid by the INSS correspond to a minimum wage.

The others have already been paid this year, with an increase of 5.93%. This readjustment, by law, is based on the INPC (National Consumer Price Index), calculated by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

Contributions to the INSS

Contributions to the INSS will also be calculated on the new minimum wage. Contributions start at 5% of the floor amount.

Unemployment insurance

The minimum installment of unemployment insurance increases from R$ 1,302 to R$ 1,320. An employee who was dismissed without just cause is entitled to this benefit. Anyone who agrees to be dismissed will not be entitled to payment.

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