Insurance against unusual circumstances such as tornadoes: what the regulations establish in California | Shows To The Point California

by time news

2023-04-23 21:11:50

>> we know he bought itthey sure have policiesstrict and olizas that there arefine print, sometimes notoffers damage coverageevents that are usuallyunusual this implieshardworking>> one of the companiesaffected by the tornado inmontebello on march 20decided not to continuesuffered, the insurance does not knowcovers, by closing all thatabout 60 employees will losewe connect with himcommissioner of insurancecalifornia, ricardo lara.what do the regulations sayabout situations or eventscatastrophes that don’t happenso frequent?are they left out of allólizas?>> it’s important to know thatinsurance is essentialto help companiesrecover and reopen. thetornado or windstorm damageare covered in aOliza and you have to know whatinsurance guy lieutenantbusiness.if the merchant boughtoutage coveragecoverage. you are acesure, that’s whyimportant to know what kind ofsafe to see what type.we can help thecompanies understand theircoverage and get the mostamount of benefitspossible but we don’t know whatLieutenant Lieutenant Typebusiness.>> home insurance orof building does not coverany kind of damage, oryou have to read the letter wellsmall in these casesmake sure that thosechanges that can be seenunderstand it better?>> that’s is of the utmost importanceunderstand what kind of eyehave, in the apartmentinsurance we can reviewtheir oil and help themunderstand what kind ofcoverage they have. thaniwe can make sure thathis company insurance thatdoing the right thing andcommunicate with you.we have a number ofpeople who can helpexperts who speak English andespañol.>> when something unusual happens,what can they doaffected?is there any kind of insurancehelp them get over itto the bathrooms?>> this all depends on whattype of insurance they have butwe are with this weather andis really forcing us tostart researching what kindfor sure we will occupy ina future, where we don’t knowif there is going to be a tornado, heatextreme floods,we are starting to doresearch on howensure that people who do nothave insurance or coveragecorrect can alsoreopen and rebuild their lives.we are living it toowith the firesforestry, it is extremelyimportance today more thannever really knowWhat kind of coverage do they have?>> what alternatives existso that people don’tare left unprotected?>> we know that the governmentwill be there to helpone or two of youmake sure they haveiveres and that people haveresources but that’s where it is, fromextremely important that thepeople take out insurance, thatit has what kind of oilthey have because it is what weis going to help me reopen andredo lives afterThese events.>> in that case, the companythat closes in montebello there isa side effect foremployees who will lose theirwork page, is there somethingwhat can they do about it?>> I would be interested to know whatkind of oliza had thisbought and what kind ofóliza they dyed to protectemployees to startcan be givenwe suggest to the workerswho communed with himinsurance Department.>> climate change isaffecting that they also go upsea ​​level, it is spokenthat the coastal linesthe water will reach levelsadvanced wings, what wingshalen acid that lives in thesheltered quiet shoreagainst flooding orkind of catastrophes thathappen when the level risesfrom sea?>> we are seeing that theclimate change isgenerating that when manyof these great ones happenmany stems will not tendroof.the forest fires,those of heat, and the server ofthe communities that livenear the sea. the óliza ofowners and tenantscovers most offlood baths, olo2% of Californianshave insurance againstfloods there it is fromgreat importance of thepeople, especially thoselives on the coast or inprone places, let them seeWhat kind of insurance do they have?like in insurancein what kind of protectionyou are going to have we have tofind working, itchwith the community,from the coast of which stone goesto be a new realityfor us and what do you havewhat to protect>> in case of fire, beLima see an area that weconvinces the fire but ofsoon there is a rehearsal in frontHe who damages your house, does he haveright to some kind ofinsurance after it happensthe situation?>> there may be effect ofsmoke, structural in thecommunity.they are things that happenoften and just asimportant that they know thattype of coverage they is of utmost importance thatif you have any questions,to communicate with himinsurance department andwe help to understand theóliza and help him maybeunderstand that they need wingscoverage or less in one

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