Create Single Educational File to simplify procedures

by time news

2023-04-23 21:27:54

To simplify procedures and bureaucracy, the government started he pilot project Single Educational Filea comprehensive plan that will impact, in its first phase, 48% of the student population of the higher level, and in a second stage it will reach 80%, to complete the entire population in 2024.

Work is underway with the portal, to make it available to users soon.

The project corresponds to the Agenda Digital 2030 and to date the platform has:

  • 7.9 million certificates of the Ministry of Education
  • 1.4 million certifications of the Ministry of EducationHigher Science and Technology (Mescyt)
  • 8 million of the National Institute of Professional Technical Training (Infotep)
  • 496,000 of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), available without prior request

These documents add 17,796,000.

The information was offered by the Minister of Higher Education, Franklin García Fermín, and the Vice Minister of Digital Agenda of the Ministry of the Presidency, José David Montilla, when socializing with more than 50 representatives of 25 universities country the details of this initiative that seeks to streamline bureaucratic processes related to educational issues and is part of the Agenda Digital 2030.

The activity was attended by rectors and academic authorities of the universities Autonomous of Santo Domingo (UASD), National Pedro Henriquez Ureña (Unphu), Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher (Pucmm), Caribbean (Unicaribe), Third Age (UTE), Open to Adults (UAPA), Technological of the South (Utesur), Del Norte (Unisnorte), Iberoamericana (Unibe) and the Institute of Technology of Santos Domingo (Intec), among other educational entities.

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what is the Single Educational File?

Montilla stated that the 2030 Digital Agenda proposes the creation of the Single Educational Filean ecosystem characterized by the simplification of procedures, interoperability and digital signature, with which the students and graduates will be able find in one place all documentation on:

  • academic record
  • certificates
  • titles
  • certifications

This documentation can be shared with educational entities.

The vice minister specified that, in the event of requiring additional services and procedures, on the same platform they will have the Educational Single Window to centrally manage the services corresponding to the sector.

“It is for this reason that, on behalf of the Digital Transformation Cabinet, we invite you to join, because this will result in achieving a more competitive, fairer, more equitable, more inclusive nation; where the population takes advantage of new technologies to improve their quality of life, the State is focused on the citizens, and organizations do the same to improve their productivity and competitiveness”, indicated Montilla.

For his part, Minister García Fermín explained that the four government entities participating in this project (the Mescyt, Ministry of Education, Infotep and INAP) are advancing towards the objective of completing the entire process of Single Educational File.

“The component of Mescyt of the Single Educational File already has the design of the Graduate Modules and the Document Legalization Module, as well as the start-up of the interoperability service for the Educational Single Window of the Mescyt”, explained García Fermín.

He highlighted that the pilot platform integrates seven universitiesin its initial period, with services such as virtual legalization of documents and exequatur requestwith an automated payment, as well as sending the request via email.

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#Create #Single #Educational #File #simplify #procedures

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