Marine Le Pen will arrive at the Elysée “if we do not know how to meet the challenges of the country”

by time news

2023-04-23 19:44:34

“Maybe I should have wet myself more. A month after the adoption of the highly contested pension reform, Emmanuel Macron spoke at length this Sunday in the columns of the Parisian. If he recognizes on the form an “error” – that of not having been “present enough to give consistency and bring this reform” – on the substance, the head of state remains inflexible. He reaffirmed his “necessity” to fill the gap and thus initiate new projects. “To launch these major projects, we must first make the pension reform which gives us muscle, because it reduces the pension deficit,” he insists.

During this interview, the President announced his desire to “reengage in public debate”. He nevertheless brought his “confidence” to his Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, in the turmoil since the use of 49.3 to have the pension reform adopted. “She is doing her job well in a difficult time for the country,” insisted Emmanuel Macron. Among the issues of concern: inflation. “Food prices are going to be tough until the end of the summer,” acknowledged the Head of State, thus throwing the ball back to “employers” and “social dialogue”.

“Ecological restoration of our schools”

If this river interview is above all an inventory of the situation, Emmanuel Macron nevertheless announced “a major ecological restoration project for our schools”. It plans to support municipalities in financing the restoration of establishments which are “thermal colanders, where children freeze them and then get too hot”. At the same time, he wants to work for the “vegetation of schoolyards”.

Does he imagine being accompanied by Marine Le Pen to the steps of the Elysée in 2027, asks a reader. “There are a lot of people who make this political fiction and who do it well on the short scale”, deplores the President of the Republic, who assures that he does not have “lessons to receive” on this subject because he has “ beaten twice”. While his popularity rating is at its lowest, he assures that the president of the Rassemblent national will arrive at the Elysée “if we do not know how to respond to the challenges of the country and if we install a habit of lying or denial of reality”.

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