Why do we ‘feel’ the presence of someone who has already passed away, what does it mean?

by time news

2023-04-23 20:31:00

death is part of life cycle, but face the loss of a loved one who you love deeply is hard because it leaves a emotional wound deep. We don’t always feel ready to accept her departure, but why do we feel its presence, what does it mean?

What happened to Julián Figueroa?

One of the showbiz deaths What shocked in recent weeks was the death of Julián Figueroa, at the age of 28, due to a acute myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation. On April 9, the sad news was announced, the actress and singer Maribel Guardia, was going through one of the worst moments of her life when she lose her only son.

Recently, the actress shared that she found the strength to return to the theater due to a ‘encounter of light’ that he had with Julián in one of the rosaries. According to his statements, while he was praying with his eyes closed, he felt the presence of his son Julián, At that moment, the pain I had was transformed.

“I saw him full of light, with an incredible smile, he hugged me and when he hugged me, I felt all the light and happiness that he felt and I said: ‘My God, I’m from here’. And not because I don’t want to stay there with him, but because I felt that we are from there, that we come from the light, he hugged me about three times, he looked full, full of light, you saw his hair with shapes of light, it radiated, he turned me around and hugged me.. It was the way my son told me: ‘don’t worry mom, I’m fine’ Not fine, he’s better than us and the pain gave me another meaning because I’m sad, but not how I was, it’s sad not to see him “said the actress.

Why we ‘feel’ the presence of someone who has already passed away/ Photo: Getty Images

For many people, the death of a loved one It is one of the deepest losses because pain does not always come on the day of the funeral, but when we want to share an experience and they are gone, it is like ‘ripping our hearts out’ because their absence hurts, especially when we continue in a stage mourning.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a recent loss or a couple of years have passed, there are times when we can feel that the essence of a deceased loved one is still with us, but when we turn around, that person is not there. We can feel so ‘strange’ that we don’t tell just anyone about these illusions.

Why do we ‘feel’ the presence of someone who has passed away, what does it mean?/ Photo: iStock

Why do we feel for a deceased loved one?

Beyond relating it to a paranormal event, they are actually about feelings of grief. You’re not freaking out! Feeling the presence of a deceased loved one may actually be more common than it seems, as revealed by a study published by the scientific journal Neuroscience, Neurology & Psychiatry of 2020.

According to the results, around 30 to 60 percent of the mourners describe that during and after the grieving process believe they have heard, seen or felt the presence of a nearby deceased person, who is related as a pleasant, comforting experience welcome, on the other hand, about 5 percent of the participants consider it a disturbing experience the harrowing.

there is a psychological theory called ‘dialogic’ in which it is believed that our brain creates an ‘assumption’ or ‘prediction’ of what is outside, for example, if every time we visited our relative, we found him in his favorite chair, it is said that once we dies, it is possible to feel that it is still there, but it is only a ‘brain trap’, which is temporarily stuck in the past.

Why do we ‘feel’ the presence of someone who has passed away, what does it mean?/ Photo: iStock

This theory supposes that our brain distinguishes two levels in the mind: “internal domain” and “external domain”maintains that the line that separates both planes is thin, this would explain the certainty with which we believe we feel the essence of the loved person who has passed away, getting confused with the idea that the “external domain” has, projecting it to a close vision.

This experience is similar to what happens when we wake up after having a dream that seems very vivid, so much so that for a few seconds we believe it is real.

Our brain gets used to presence of a person who is close to us, but when they pass away, she needs to go through the period of mourning stage to ‘update’ and understand that that person has left.

If when we got home, after work, that person was waiting for us in the kitchen, the living room or in any part of the home, it is common that once they die, our brain indicates that they are still there, even though when we turn around there is nothing.

Why do we ‘feel’ the presence of someone who has passed away, what does it mean?/ Photo: iStock

Not everyone experiences this type of feelings of mourning Because it’s a very personal process, we all process it differently. However, it can be more common when the subconscious considers that some pending issue was left with the deceased personsuch as feeling that we did not say goodbye as we would have liked to or that in life, we did not express how much it meant to us.

What does the presence of a deceased loved one feel like?

Some people may experience the sensation of a physical presencesuch as feeling a hand on the shoulder, the weight of a hug or even hearing the voice of the deceased person, while other people can feel a emotional connection, a sense of ease, love or comfort to accept the loss of loved one.

The feeling of feel the presence of a loved oneit is not a subject that should be ashamed because it is a way of process and accept pain. He means that we love that person so much that our brain still does not process the loss of him.

How long does it take a deceased to pick up his steps?

In Mexico, as part of popular culture, it is said that deceased return to the places they used to inhabit to ‘collect their steps’ to formalize the definitive separation with their past. However, the period of time will depend on the tradition of each region.

If you are still in this difficult stage of mourning, do not pressure yourself to return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible, recognize the importance of your loss and live your grief fully, allow yourself to feel the five stages: denial, anger, negotiation , depression or sadness and acceptance.

Address any pending issues with your loved one, perhaps by writing a letter, speaking to their portrait or seeking professional help so you can understand your grief, but don’t stay ‘dead in life’ because surely, it’s not what you would have wanted that person.

In the case of Maribel Guardiaaffirmed that seeing her son gave her more peace and the strength she needed to carry on: “when she hugged me, I was filled with that light, may God take me whenever she wants,” said the singer.

To you who read up to here, I hug you very much.

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If you want to know what the process of actress Maribel Guardia has been like to face the loss of her only son, Julián Figueroa, stay and watch the following video.

#feel #presence #passed

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