“Pregnancy Depression: Recognizing Symptoms, Causes, Effects on Baby, and Treatments”

by time news

2023-04-24 12:21:35

What is pregnancy depression and how do you recognize it?

Pregnancy depression, also called prenatal or perinatal depression, describes a condition when feelings of depression, hopelessness, and sadness lasting more than two weeks and with loss of interest and joylessness accompanied. Furthermore, you can also Self-doubt, feelings of guilt, difficulty concentrating, exhaustion, listlessness, loss of appetite or sleep disorders accompany pregnancy depression.

How common is pregnancy depression?

Depression before and during pregnancy occurs in 12 out of 100 women, and 15 out of 100 women suffer from depression after childbirth. The so-called postpartale Depression However, it should not be confused with the baby blues, as this occurs immediately after birth and disappears again after a few days, while postpartum depression manifests itself for several weeks with persistent depressive symptoms.

Possible causes of pregnancy depression

There are many causes of pregnancy depression. This includes:

  • A genetic predisposition; the risk of developing depression is around 15 percent if first-degree relatives are already affected.
  • anxiety disorders
  • Family problems in the partnership, family or circle of friends
  • family problems
  • Pregnancy complications, possibly also a previous miscarriage

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effects on the baby

Depression during pregnancy also affects the unborn baby, because it feels it stress and the emotions experienced by the mother. If a pregnancy is burdened by depression, it can happen that the baby is born before the expected due date and can suffer from adjustment disorders. Symptoms here can be reduced birth weight, restlessness and loud screams. Canadian researchers have found that depression during pregnancy immune system of the child can reduce and that Risk of asthma and allergies, obesity and autoimmune diseases to fall ill is therefore increased. According to studies by the German Depression Aid Foundation, pre- and postpartum depression should also impair the development of the child’s cognitive or emotional abilities in the long term. Since loss of appetite is also one of the symptoms of pregnancy depression, sufferers often develop gestational diabetes as well.

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What is the treatment for an illness?

Your first point of contact is the attending gynaecologist. A medical history questionnaire provides clarity as to whether it is a temporary low mood or depression. Experts recommend a pregnancy depression psychotherapy. Drug therapy can increase the risk of miscarriage, and risks and side effects should be carefully weighed up during breastfeeding. In psychotherapy, the therapist works with the patient to develop strategies to cope with the situation and supports them in alleviating their self-doubt and fears.

You can do this yourself against pregnancy depression

Having a child means a complete change of life and is a mental challenge for every woman. In addition to psychotherapeutic help and, if necessary, drug therapy, it is important that you are also in your immediate environment confidants like your partner, your midwife or a friend with whom you can talk openly about your feelings and your fears. Take too support offers from friends and family when it comes to housework or childcare for older children. You can use this free time for moderate exercise use Studies have shown that exercise reduces the symptoms of depression. Also consider sharing in a support group; Your doctor or midwife can provide addresses.

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