Chinese Investors Discover GDIZ Opportunities

by time news

2023-04-24 01:07:06

On the sidelines of the 1time edition of the Benin-China Forum which took place in Cotonou on Thursday, April 20, 2023, several Chinese investors went to the Glo-Djigbé-Zè Industrial Zone (GDIZ) to inquire about the achievements and investment opportunities .


Open to a market of more than 300 million inhabitants and offering better stability in the sub-region, with a panoply of innovations to promote foreign direct investment, Benin, in its current changes, does not leave the Chinese private sector indifferent. . Rich in a multitude of skills, particularly industrial, Chinese private actors, after the work of the Benin-China Investment Forum, visited the GDIZ site on Thursday, April 20, 2023. Led by the President of the China Africa Business Council, this visit was an opportunity for the delegation, made up of around sixty investors from various Chinese multinationals, to understand the genesis, the objectives, the short, medium and long vision terms of the Glo-Djigbé-Zè Industrial Zone (GDIZ) including the development and business model, facilities, etc. are, to this day, unique in the world. Engaged in a dynamic of attracting investments within the area, the officials in charge of the development and management of the area did not fail to express their joy at this approach which will further strengthen the links economic relations between Benin and the Republic of China. “We are happy to welcome you to the Glo-Djigbé Industrial Zone (…) China is a key economic partner of Benin, and we are convinced that the installation of Chinese companies within the GDIZ will bring added value. Benin’s economy by contributing to job creation, technology transfer and the diversification of sectors of activity”, will express the Director General of the Company for Investment and Promotion of Industry (SIPI -Benin), Létondji Béhéton. Wanting to be more convincing, he did not fail to specify to his hosts that investing in Benin and more precisely in the GDIZ allows them to “get closer to a vast market of more than 300 million consumers distributed in the countries of ECOWAS including UEMOA”. Better, “producing in Benin will also allow you to have access to the American and European markets respectively through the African Growth Opportunities Act (AGOA) and the Everything But Arms (EBA) agreement”, he said. assured. From the presentation of the GDIZ project to the sight of the models and the visit of the factories already operational in the area, the Chinese delegation was “quite impressed” by the originality of this project which will make Benin a country industrialized. Having been unable to position themselves on phase 1 of the project, whose area is 400 hectares with 36 investors who have already signed, the Chinese economic operators, for phase 2, have promised to be among the investors to sign.

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